36 || seeing things

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"y/n! y/n!" midoriya snapped his fingers in front of your face, but was quickly pushed away by bakugo who gripped your shoulders tightly.

"hey! can you fucking hear us?" he shouted and shouted, but it still sounded like faint muffling.

"all these people are dead" you mumbled under your breath making it barely audible for anybody to hear.

you felt regret and triumph. all these people died a horrible death because you couldn't fight through the unknown pressure that was keeping you down the entire time. if only you could have thrown the bomb out the window far enough from the building, all the people buried at this moment would still be alive.

uraraka looked at the others and furrowed his eyebrows, "what's she talking about?"

"what the hell are you talking about? what people? you're here alone with us." bakugo kept shouting but you still could barely hear.

you pointed at the dead bodies buried under the debris. the arms and legs sticking out from under the large concrete blocks and the few viable faces between the cracks.

your friends looked around in confusion. they saw nothing but you and the collapsed building surrounding them. bakugou gripped your shoulders tighter but you still wouldn't look at him.

"listen to me", he whispered, "we are the only fucking people here. there is nobody underneath us, you're pointing at nothing."

"we should take her out of this area so maybe she won't be able to see what she's telling us she sees", todoroki suggested.

bakugo didn't respond, but he quickly dragged you to the grass. as you were being pulled, your friends slowly turned around and stared at you in the eyes.

except, they didn't really do this. this is what you're seeing, but this isn't whats actually happening. you pulled your arm out of bakugo's grip and backed up.

"everything is your fault. all those people that died back there? it's your fault. all your fault." you see 'todoroki' walk closer to you without blinking.

"maybe if you were stronger, they wouldn't have died a horrible death", 'kirishima' now started to walk closer to you.

'uraraka' and 'midoriya' dragged themselves towards you too without blinking, "their families will never see them again."

"all because you're a horrible person." 'bakugo' now was standing in front of you with an evil but yet emotionless from.

"what?" you mumbled quietly. in your eyes, your boyfriend AND your best friends are gaining up on you all at once.

"y/n, what's wrong?" uraraka walked closer to you and tried to put her hand on your shoulder, but you backed up faster.

bakugo tried to grab your hand and pull you towards him, but you quickly retracted. "what the hell is going on with you?" he stood confused as well as the others.

you didn't hear what they were saying but only the fake versions. they kept repeating over and over again how you don't deserve this job and don't deserve the title.

the fear in your eyes was quickly processed by everybody. the way you looked at them seemed as if you were terrified of them, but little did they know, you were.

you stood ground and tensed up, in which they stopped walking towards you. you looked up with a monotone face and aimed towards the tree above.

"get the hell away from me."

in the next moment, a loose tree came falling down on top of everybody, separating you from them. thankfully, they all moved out of the way and nobody got hurt. But when they went to look over, you were gone.

their faces were expressing confusion, but also shock. they swatted the flying dirt out of their face and coughed. bakugo felt his stomach twist when he realized you were no where around them.

"what just happened? where did she go?" kirishima looked around his surroundings.

todoroki started to look around too, "i don't see her anywhere. she might be far away now. i wonder why she did that though."

"did you guys see the way she was looking at us?", mirodiya paused, "it looked like she was scared of us."

"that's the dumbest shit i've ever heard you damn nerd." bakugo stomped over to midoriya, causing him to back up into a tree. "why the fuck would she be scared of us?"

at this moment, aizawa finally reached the area. he quickly ran up to the kids and shook his head in anger.

"do you guys have any idea what trouble you're in?" he shouted towards the kids. he looked ahead and noticed the tree and dust, but importantly, he noticed you weren't with them.

"where's y/n?"

"she disappeared. we didn't see where she headed. mr. aizawa, it looked like she was scared of us." uraraka looked down.

"why would she be scared of you guys? was she acting weird?"

"yes, she was. she said something about dead bodies, but we swear there were none around us. and then she kept backing away and told us to get away from her", todoroki explained.

aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose and looked up, "she was most likely seeing that stuff because someone is making her see it. which she probably saw you guys as enemies, so that's why she told you to get away from her."

he quickly pulled out his phone and started to call numbers while he told the kids something out loud, "you five, go back to the school."

"but what if she needs help?" midoriya steps up.

"are you guys forgetting who she is? she isn't a victim that needs saving. now go back to the school right now or your punishment will be extended."

"that's all everyone cares about", bakugo muttered and pushed everyone aside to walk ahead, "shes her own damn person, you know."

meanwhile, you were far gone. you found a cliff just outside the city pointing out to the streets and tall buildings with gondola lifts connected the top to the streets. the sky was gray indicating it was about to rain so you say underneath a tree. your feet dangled off the edge of the high cliff as you gripped the grass.

to everybody else, you were considered missing. no one confirmed you took a plane home, no one has talked about seeing you or spider-girl in the city, and your room hasn't been touched. your phone was still in the car happy dropped you off in, so that was no help either.

you stayed there until dark. the stars one by one started fo fill the sky and the crescent moon directly shone above the city. there was no light near you, so it was as dark as it could get.

you couldn't stop thinking about what your friends were saying to you. "they wouldn't really say that stuff to me, i know they wouldn't."

"they saved me from getting crushed and that's how i treat them. no, i have to go apologize." you stood up and took a breath. your arm aimed towards one of the cable transports and you shot a web. you knew everybody was at home because who would make their students stay on campus when there was an unknown bomb near.

you decided to head to the base you've heard about. there were guards surrounding the perimeters holding large guns, it looked like your basic military base.

meanwhile, bakugo was in his bedroom still thinking about you. he kept checking his phone to see if you responded to his desperate calls and texts, but there were no notifications.

he clenched his fists and stared at his ceiling for a rough five minutes. he thought about why you looked at him like that earlier and if you were mad at him because he didn't stop talking about the perverted people online when you told him to stop.

"damnit y/n. you better come back."

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