08 || take him

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-this might be a long chapter-

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-this might be a long chapter-

-YOU WOKE UP TO THE SUNSHINE HEATING UP YOUR FACE. looking around you, it looked like everyone was still asleep. getting up, you started to remember what happened. you didn't really care, nothing too bad. all you did was lean on his shoulder.

"ugh, today is the day i have to go scout", you sighed. you knew signing up for this didn't mean you'd have breaks on the weekends. since you didn't have school, you used this time to go out and look for the villain.

placing your water cup from last night into the sink, you hear a grunt behind you.
'is this kid obsessed with me or what? i already have to deal with the crazy fans online'

"good morning", you said to him while washing your hands.

"don't forget about the-"

"the truth. i won't. but i have plans right now."

you walked to your dorm not noticing bakugo was following you. when you got to your dorm, you opened the door just for him to hold it open as if he was threatening you.

"listen, i need to change. unless you want to be a perv and watch me undress and get ready for my plans, then leave. and i won't ask twice."

without saying anything except showing his usual annoyed expression, he grunted and left.

sighing out of relief, you opened your closet to your suits. "hmm.. i want to be comfortable today. so i'll just chose... that one." you grabbed your suit. unlike peter's, yours are different colors. yours are just pink, white, and black. putting it on, you also placed a very big hoodie and sweatpants on with your doc martens and headed out.

"where ya going y/n? for a walk? can i come?", kaminari perks up, with the rest of the class wanting to come too.
'jeez, am i sure they don't know?'

"um.. i'm sorry. i'm just going to explore the area a bit. no need to tag along."

"well, we will show you! come on kirishima and sero, let's go. bakugo, coming?", kaminari cheers.

"like hell. i'd rather die."

"alright. let's go!"

you sighed. you didn't wanna be mean. plus, you didn't really want to go scouting either. it would be nice to relax and explore japan-you never had the chance to and you've always wanted to. anime is a big part of your life and japan was full of attractions and stores that were made just for the anime. plus, food.

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