23 || finally mine

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the fluff in this chapter 😣


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-THE BOTH OF YOU PULLED AWAY FROM THE KISS, BUT NOT IN A RUSHED WAY. the only sounds you could hear was the breathing of both you and bakugo. your left hand was still on his cheek and your right hand was behind his head as your fingers curled in his soft hair.

he too still held on to you by your face and neck as if you were going to be sucked away by a black hole if he let go.

after a minute, you both let go and cleared your throats. you knew he liked you, but not that much, and you never noticed you liked him back too.

"let's go back to the dorms, it's getting dark", you softly spoke.

he didn't respond, but instead he grabbed your bag and carried it for you. sure, you're one hundred times stronger than him and he knew it, but you let him carry it anyway. he led you to his dorm and invited you in.

you analyzed his room. dark grey walls, manga book shelves, a clean but at the same time messy desk because he stopped in the middle of it to see you, a couple of all might figurines, a mounted tv above his desk, and a dozen of pillows on his dark blue bed.

as you were distracted by his manga collection, bakugo grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into bed next to him.

"you missed me this much huh?", you whispered as he bear hugged you from behind in bed.

"shut up", his groan vibrates your ear and shoulder as he rested his chin on the inner part of your neck.

you shifted your body around to meet his eyes and gently played with his hair. "his eyes are so pretty", you thought to yourself as his eyes glowed in the dark room.

he gripped the back of your head softly and gently pulled your head towards his chest and rested his chin on top of your head.

you've never felt this warm or comforted by somebody. no one has ever gave you a real comforting hug like this. sure, you get hugs all the time from peter and your family and the team and a couple of fans, but none of them could be compared to this type of hug. you felt... safe. you forgot about the missions and your tasks. all you could think about was how you were in someone's arms, someone you actually trust.

you relaxed from a tensed position and so did bakugo, letting the both of your bodies sink into the bed while your grips were still on each other.

"you're finally mine", bakugo softly spoke as you both drifted off to sleep.

before you slept, you grinned and hugged a little bit tighter.

this is the first night in ages that you had a good dream. you didn't have a scary nightmare or a traumatizing memory, and it was all because you finally felt warm and comfort.

if you woke up from a bad dream, there would be someone there right next to you to tell you it was okay and wouldn't make fun of you for it, unlike the team or peter, who normally takes you for your sarcasm and jokes and doesn't usually think twice to think if you're serious or not.

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