34 || the class

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-"IM NOT GOING IN THERE." you stood in front of the doors at the dormitory. the class and aizawa was sitting inside along with all might, midnight, and present mic.

"yes you are."

"you know what?" you looked at an invisible watch, "i think i'm late for a flight to uh, australia."

bakugo slowly turned his head towards you and rolled his eyes. "you're acting like a pussy right now."

"fine." you opened the doors quickly and walked in. everybody looked at you and it was completely silent.

mini stood up and scrunched her face and crossed her arms as she squinted at you.

"i FELT the badass energy from you." she cracked a smile when you did. soon enough, the whole class joined in.

you looked over at the teachers and aizawa winked at you while the others grinned. aizawa gave an announcement to the class as the teachers started to leave.

"don't harass her. y/n, tell us if there's any problems."

now it was just you and bakugo standing in front of the entire class in silence until momo broke it.

"come come and sit! we want to ask questions if you don't mind."

you looked at bakugo and walked backwards. "i told you nothing would go wrong." he rolled his eyes at your sarcastic comment and stayed put leaning against the wall while kaminari, kirishima, and sero walked up to him.

"congrats on scoring a hot superhero, dude. living every man's dream." kaminari crossed his arms and nudged him in the shoulder.

"shut up. i'll blast your face off."

meanwhile, you were laughing and talking with the class answering their questions; like how you got your powers and such. looking up, you see todoroki leaning against the wall. you stood up and walked over to him.

"i've known."

you furrowed your eyebrows and tilted your head waiting for him to continue.

"i saw you enter your room by your window one time. and the notebook helped piece it all together."

"and yet you didn't tell anybody."


"thank you for that. and can i be honest with you about something now that i can say it?"

he hummed in response.

"i hate your dad. oh my god do i hate him. he looked at me in the eyes and called me a pathetic child. little does he know i can shove his own foot up his ass and make it come out of his mouth."

"do it."

you laughed and he let out a slight chuckle. you waved him goodbye and walked back to the couch and sat down. everyone has sat down besides bakugo. you laid your head down on kaminari's leg and rested your feet on the arm rested of the couch.

"oh y/n, we were wondering if you knew what that new building was near the training facilities? no one here knows what it is and they won't tell us." momo asked while you scrolled on your phone above your face.

"yeah, that's mine. the school didn't want me to damage the property so they had that built for me to train in." you took out the keys and swung it around in the air. "you guys can use it, just ask me to unlock it."

bakugo walked up and grabbed the keys out of your hand aggressively and analyzed it.

"do you have the keys to every fucking dorm here?"

you webbed it back while he was still analyzing it and grinned. "uh yeah but it's not like i i'll ever fucking use it." you grinned and stuffed the keys back into your pocket.

"i have keys to places you guys had no idea existed on campus."

"what?" kaminari cocks and eyebrow, "there's secret places here?"

"well, every school campus has secret places off limit to students; quirks or not." you answered.

after a bit of silence of the class scrolling on their phones and having mini conversations once in a while, sero broke it.

"i don't know y/n... i still don't know if you're really spider-girl or not" he grinned.

"was me taking the keys back from bakugo not enough for you?"

he shrugged his shoulders and smirked. bakugo has always had this idea in mind to tease you but he never knew when he could do it to embarrass you.

he walked up behind you and tapped your chest activating your suit to cover you from head to toe. this startled kaminari, so he quickly dropped you to the ground.

"oh god y/n! i'm sorry.." he held out his hand to help you up.

"it's fine kaminari." you gave him a reassuring smile but quickly dropped it when you looked at bakugo, "you're a fucking idiot."

"the hell? i'm the idiot? says the biggest idiot in this room."

"oh yeah?"


you ran up to him and grabbed a fist of his shirt and started to shake him around. "you are the idiot. what if somebody walked by these big ass windows and saw me?"

the two of you stumbled on each other's feet and ended up flipping over the couch. he held himself on top of you while you covered your mouth trying not to laugh at his subtle smile.

"my plan wasn't so shitty after all." he smirked.

he realized where your hands were placed on him. your hands were flat on his chest, preparing to throw him up in the air. once he was thrown up, you titled the couch just enough to catch him. he opened his eyes to see you on top of him this time.

"thought you said we'd be switching positions next time we are like this?" you whispered.

"can you get on top of me like that? just an experiment." kaminari teased.

you chuckled and got off of bakugo. "you dumbass. it won't go back in for another five minutes."

"and how the hell is that my problem?" he stood up and shook off the invisible dirt.

"you're the idiot that pressed it in the first place!"



the two of you stood in silence for a couple seconds before you plopped back down on the couch next to kaminari, causing him to blush and turn away. your boyfriend sat next to you and moved your body to the other side of him.

"what the hell was that for?" you adjudged your position and cocked an eyebrow at bakugou.

"i heard having two idiots next to each other can spread throughout the room."

"then i guess someone should switch seats with you."

i hate this chapter very much, i'll fix it one day but i'm on writers block and i'm also working on this story on ao3.

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