03 || Somebody Else

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"Hey, bring the glasses Stark gave you and me. You need it more than me anyways." Peter slide it against the table desk in your room.

"Are you sure?" You confirmed. These pair meant a lot more to him than you and taking these away from him would feel like a weight on your chest.

"Y/n," he grabbed a hold of your hand and squeezed it, "you're going to a foreign country, alone, and without guidance. Take it."

... ... ...

When arriving to this high-school, you were missing a little bit information on one of the students: Izuku Midoriya.

His quirk confused you. It was sort of like a heightened strength and ability to hold an insane amount of power. But, from the footage you've seen of him, it looks like he doesn't know what it is either.

You knocked on his door after they ate dinner and you settled in your room. You can hear his scrambling footsteps and see the shadows struggle to unlock the door so fast.

"Oh, L/n-", your appearance was a surprise to him. You were the last person he was expecting, especially at eight o' clock at night. "What are you doing here? Not to complain! I'm just wondering." He scratched his head.

"Just getting to know you guys." You smiled and looked around his room, "May I come in?"

"Yeah, sure! It's kind of messy though." He awkwardly laughed. His right hand balled in a fist and he used his thumb to nervously scratch the palm of his hand.

All of it was All Might.

The carpet, the computer mouse pad, the bed spread, the pillows, a plush here and there, figurines aligning his desk against the wall, a collectors edition shirt framed in a glass frame like a sports jersey.

"Your favorite hero isn't Endeavor or Hawks, huh?" You sarcastically threw out, earning a light chuckle from the boy.

He blushed and looked towards the corner of the room, "Ive been a fan ever since I was a little kid. Do you have a favorite hero?"

Your hands caressed the surface of the cabinets holding collector edition planners and notebooks. "It's complicated. The number one hero in America is super sweet though."

"Oh, Ive heard of her! Her name was, uh," He rubbed his chin.

"Stars n' Stripes." You finished his sentence, "She's a very considerate person. I think if I were going to be a Pro, I'd intern under her."

"You've met her before?" He exclaimed. His eyes lit up more than before. So far, the most information you've gathered is that he is very confident with his heroes.

Sitting on his bed, you played with the hem of the sheets. "Yeah, a couple times. Ive got my connections, Midoriya." You tapped your head and winked. "Speaking of, how did you and All Might meet? You two seem close."

All Might told you about their meet, but, you want to hear about it from Midoriya himself. Everything, including his quirk and stories, from Midoriya.

He sighed and fidgeted with his fingers while staring at them, "It's complicated too. He kinda helped me while I was in a bad time, I guess."

"I think it's super cool that your favorite hero helped you when you needed it." You scooted closer to him.

"Yeah, I really it is super cool! I'm very grateful and lucky." His freckles lit up like stars. His breathing pattern returned to normal and he stopped with the fidgeting.

"So," you decided to get to your point, "what is your quirk?"

His voice hitched subtlety, but you still heard it.

"It's just superpower. I'm strong at given times and I can target the strength in certain areas of my body." He flattened his palm towards you, "Leaves scars, though."

You get it, he doesn't want to tell you what his power is really called. He just met you, why would he want to tell you in general first place?

Ugh, you couldn't take it anymore, though. There isn't one kid here who knows about your secret little identity. If it were going to be one of the classmates, it would be Midoriya since he would understand the most out of everybody else, including the teachers.

"Midoriya...", you dragged out, "I have something to tell you." You stretched your arms and looked at him.

He hummed.

"I know your power is called One for All." You pressed your lips together while his did the opposite and separated as far as possible. You raised your hand in defense as soon as you noticed his frozen-in-fear stance.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! All Might told me himself. He told me when I arrived, actually."

That didn't help.

Oh man.

"I'll tell you my secret, so we can share a burden together, okay?" You stood up and looked at Midoriya, who still had a melting face. "But you have to promise to keep my secret, just like how I promise to keep yours."

"L/n, you- you don't have to!" He grabbed a hold of your wrists gently and settled them down, "It's probably my fault that I made it obvious my quirk isn't my own!"

"It's not, I told you that All Might told me." You maneuvered your hands around his wrists this time, "But I need to get this weight off my chest too. You out of everyone knows what it's like to have a secret you want to tell people, but can't."

He blushed harder. This was difficult: a new girl insisting to tell him her secret out of everybody in that class.

"Okay." He nodded his head. "I'll promise to keep your secret, L/n."

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