25 || a traumatic reality

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-WITH HIS HAND STILL OUT TO SHAKE YOURS, YOU LOOKED AT IT AND BACK UP AT HIM. you didn't respond to his introduction, and instead remained calm and walked around him to your desk. there's no point in hiding yourself from him since he already knew, but you didn't want to let him touch you.

you quickly sat back down and tried to catch your breath without drawing attention. midoriya noticed and quietly turned around as the man who's name you've learned is henry pollack, takes out his computer and technology.

"y/n, what's wrong? you're breathing loud", he lowered his voice when he realized you wouldn't make eye contact and you were distracted by fidgeting with your fingers.

"just- turn around. ignore me." midoriya noticed the seriousness in your voice and obeyed. bakugo noticed your off behavior as well, so he texted you instead of drawing attention.

"what the hell is wrong? you looked like you just saw a ghost up there", the notification read. you saw it, but turned your phone around and didn't respond. this caused bakugo to turn around and furrow eyebrows as he analyzed you, but you didn't look up at him and instead kept your gaze at your desk.

henry's voice snapped you out of your current state. "y/n l/n, come up here! i want you to be my volunteer."

"i should participate and record everything he says and does. if only aizawa was in the room, i could signal him something is wrong. i'll act like i don't know what's going on", you thought to yourself. you slowly stood up and shook away your thoughts. bakugo grabbed your hand as you walked past him, but you yanked it away quickly.

you didn't want the man to see your relationship with bakugo, but he didn't know that. immediately, he thought you were mad at him and he did something wrong.

"nice young lady! you look so familiar to me.. where do i know you from?"

you looked at him with a blank stare, "i'm not sure."

"hmm.." he pointed his finger up as if he remembered something, but quickly brought it back down, "oh wait, never mind. i was going to say, you sound like spider-girl."

you tried not to react harshly, "yeah, a lot of people say that." you showed a fake smile but it quickly disappeared when he turned away. your hand raised to "scratch your ear", but in reality, you were pressing the emergency button to alert your team. only this time, it wasn't working. you forgot this man is very advanced with his technology knowledge.

bakugo and midoriya noticed the slight panic on your face when you tried to press the button over and over again. thankfully, they didn't do anything dramatic. the both of them remembered you strictly telling them to never intervene with anything you do unless you ask.

you raised your voice a little higher, trying to hide the trembling, "hey, where's aizawa?"

"he's giving files to ectoplasm. he'll be back soon" iida responded. you sighed in relief. as long as he gets back soon, you can alert him that this guy is dangerous and to call authorities immediately.

"now, let's begin the volunteer work. y/n-"

"don't call me by my name. it's l/n" you eyed him with a threatening look. the entire class raised their eyebrows in shock, they've never seen you act like this. you're usually laid back and humorous, but right now you're not.

"very well then. anyways", he held out a large sphere and grabbed your hands, "hold this for me." before you could react, he shoved them into yours.

the moment your hands made contact with the sphere, a wave of pain rushed through your skin. it was a burning sensation. the man locked the doors shut and closed the windows tight. antagonizing screams escaped your mouth as you struggled to let go of the sphere. it let out large clasps which strengthened around your hands.

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