42 || skating

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he turned around to see you standing close behind him, causing him to jerk back a bit. you were holding your hands behind your back and swaying forwards and backwards as if you were asking your parents for something you knew they'd say no to.

"can you do me a favor please?" you gave him a warm smile.

he tilted his head and cocked his eyebrow. "what is it?"

"can you use your quirk to form a temporary ice pond so we can go ice skating?"

"yes", he didn't hesitate to answer your question, "but what if somebody doesn't have skates?"

"well, i wasn't planning on everybody having a pair since i can tell it's not a very popular activity here. i was just going to buy it.", you explained to him. "and thank you thank you thank you!" you gave him a preppy hug and left.

todoroki stood there in the same spot you hugged him. "i haven't seen her this happy. i guess she really likes ice skating."

meanwhile, you texted everybody the plans while asking for their shoe size. momo offered to make the shoes, but you didn't want her to drain her energy so you insisted on buying the pairs.

that night, todoroki found a pond close by to freeze over, creating an ice rink for the class to skate on. you also invited some of the teachers since you didn't want anybody to be excluded.

the sky was pitch black yet covered in twinkling stars. fairy lights hung from pole to pole above, reflecting a yellow tint off the ice.

"y/n!" the voice of your classmate grew louder as she ran up to you.

"uraraka!" you responded in the same tone. you were in the middle of zipping up your jacket.

uraraka leaned in and lowered her head, making it a little hard to hear her, "i don't really know how to ice skate.. and i kinda don't want to embarrass myself in front of someone. is there anyway you can, you know, teach me? just real quick! you don't have to-"

"of course." you gave her a soft smile and started to bring her behind the trees, "todoroki froze another pond to demonstrate how he does it, so i'll bring you other there."

she gave you a grateful smile with a hidden blush, in which made your heart melt. after telling everybody you were going with her to the bathroom, you walked with her to the hidden frozen pond and sat on a log to put on ice skates.

uraraka had no idea how to put them on in the start, so you had to do it for her. after doing so, she immediately stumbled on her feet getting up but you supported her.

she gave you the "how the hell are you standing so normal in ice skates?" look and you laughed. after two minutes of slowly getting her to the ice, she finally set foot.

granted, it's harder since there is no railing to hold onto and no support canes, but you managed to teach her enough to prepare her for the real rink.

"i'm not as good as you, but i'm definitely better than before. thank you thank you thank you!" she showed her gratitude as she took off her skates.

"anything to help you impress a freckled green hair boy." you winked and walked ahead as she froze at your observation. it's not like she hasn't made it obvious, you were just good at that type of stuff.

"no distractions please", you pleaded quietly to yourself as you looked to the sky behind a tree, "just one.. one normal night."

"can't believe you asked for a normal night when you're spending it with these idiots." the feeling of warm hands brushed up your arms to your shoulders, spinning you towards his view, "and there'll be no fucking distractions of i'll beat their skulls open."

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