49 || of course you lived.

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of course you fought through with it, no matter how much you wanted to give up. what the hell made you decide to live again? because it sure as hell wasn't this job.

your friends would have moved on eventually, same with your family. a few memorials for a couple months and a remembrance every year on the day, but that's it. that's all you'd be missing.

it was such a good opportunity to be released from the stress and guilt of protecting everybody around you. so why didn't you take it?

"listen, you god damn insect," your eyes barely opened as a response to his troubling but well hidden voice, "if you die, people will remember you as a hero, but i'll remember you as a coward. a stupid, weak, coward."

"bakugo, what are you saying-" kaminari was cut off.

"she's been through worse than an explosion in the sky, i know she has. this is just an easy escape route out of reality."

the lot continued to run— you were being carried by iida as his stamina was much higher than the others— they ran beside him until he decided to speed up.

"i will take her to get help, i can't afford to wait for you all to keep up with me. just focus on getting out of the burning trees." iida forced himself out of the way, the wind hitting you hard against your open wounds.

meanwhile, the rest finally made their way out safely. they stood with their hands on their knees panting for whatever clean air was left over.

"it's uncertain if y/n will make it out of this one. it's best we stay out of her way during all this. i couldn't imagine being weighed down by such unfortunate," momo's comment irked bakugo in a way nothing has in a long time.

"she can survive a helicopter crash," the deadpan in his voice almost hid the fear he tried to hide.

"it wasn't a crash though," momo spoked again, "it was an explosion. something or someone planned that. they wanted her dead-"

"do you not know how to shut your damn mouth?

it was silent for a bit. he sure knows how to shut something down.


"i am positive it is a spinal injury. she fell from an extreme height while hitting branches on the way down." iida held you in his arms as the ice behind started to melt.

"she's not safe here and she's not safe at the hospital." aizawa pinched the bridge of hus nose at the sight. you are his student too. "the only other place to bring her is her base, but that's almost 100 miles away."

a black van pulled behind them and two people opened the doors and came rushing towards your limped body. your mother.. and peter.

they didn't even greet the class. their only toys is on you and if you were really okay or if your body was on its last breath.

peter took your body without another thought in his mind and ran back to the van without saying a word to the others.

bakugo and the others made their way to the entrance of the forest where the class watched as you were taken away to the van. what if you end up dying for real this time? he never told you, in real time, how much you have made an impact on your life. and he's afraid you'll never know.

you were taken into the van in another man's arms. you might die in another man's arms. you might die with the biggest regret of your life without a chance of avenging it, and all he could do was watch.

why did it matter though? it's not like he could have had a future with you. he was training to be a pro hero in japan, you were already a hero in america and you met him on a mission. once the mission is over, you leave for good and move on to the next.

but what if he could have? marrying your high school sweetheart is a huge hit or miss but that doesn't mean it's impossible. maybe you could move here? you always talked about hating life in america and you only had a few friends. maybe take a few students in as interns?

all these possible ideas rushed through his head. but he was uncertain if you'd actually agree to any of these.

meanwhile, you were waking up in the van. your back was in more pain you have ever been in before. your mom cleared the hair out of your face and stroked your forehead. you felt like you were home in her motherly minivan after a long day at disney world.

except if anything, it was the exact opposite.

"hey honey," your mother whispered making sure not to cause an unknown headache get worse, "you're safe. you are getting the best treatment god has to offer."

"i want.. my phone." you slurred your words together while all that came out from your mom was a kidding laugh. out of everything you wanted, your phone?

"my friends at home," your words were barely audible, "they're okay.."

"they're fine. we're all fine. everybody is okay."

"y/n, you dork." peter groaned under his throat. "you were supposed to wait for me to reveal your identity."

i didn't do it on purpose, you idiot is what you wanted to say to him. but you knew somehow he understood what you wanted to say because he knew you that well.

"i'm surprised your hotheaded boyfriend isn't chasing after our car like a wild animal." peter's sarcastic tone managed the corners of your lips to rise.

i hope he knows i forgive him. that response from him was stupid, yeah, but he had a choice to believe his role model since childhood and his girlfriend of one year.

he was that one push to wake up from that swallowing void that was prepared to take you down with it. if you have let it, you'd be dead at this moment.

"well, he can visit once we arrive at the hospital." your mom sighed. a boyfriend? what the hell. "everybody can."

there was so much to worry about at the moment. but all what was on your mind was the "what if's." the amount of "what if's" that flooded your head spoke loud volumes and they wouldn't shut up.

HELLO! i'm so sorry for the late late late late late update and sudden disappearance. i guess i had that author bad luck where all this shit suddenly happens to me.

mental health was a huge part. then there was my birthday, i got a new job at starbucks, my pet died, all this bs.

OH AND IM WRITING ANOTHER BOOK. like a au of howls moving castle.

anyways, i'll try to update weekly again :)
hope everything is well.

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