41 || small talk

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"okay?" you picked up your two bags full of clothes and essentials and walked ahead of him, "you think i don't know you by now? if i ended up sleeping in my room, you'd blow my head off."

"yeah because why would you sleep in that room after what just went on?" bakugo swung his keys around his finger and opened his door and shoved you in. "you just experienced hell and you're acting like it never happened."

"that's because if i pretend it didn't happen, i don't have to figure it out. i don't have time for that. i'll deal with it when i get to it again." you smiled and shrugged your shoulders as bakugo shook his head at your immaturity.

"that's a stupid way to think."

"it's worked for years..." you sat against his bed and opened your laptop, "and i don't see myself changing anytime soon."

you felt the bed shift from behind and your tabs immediately disappeared to keep bakugo from seeing them. you weren't hiding anything bad but there were research tabs open from the principal.

after twenty minutes of silence and scrolling on your phones out of boredom in the same spot, you crawled to his desk and pulled a notebook off and rested your arms on his bed.

"let's come up with a power move we can use together. i know you don't like the idea of teamwork, but it's pretty fun to combine two abilities and make it one."

"what the hell would we even do? you can't use anything but your strength in combat around people." he leaned forward and slouched.

"i didn't say it had to be a power move we use here." you grinned and started to write down the words:
'Spider-girl & L.E.M's Power Moves'.

"what the hell does lem mean?" he furrowed his eyebrows at your title and you pointed at each word, telling him what the acronym means.

"lord explosion murder. although, i know damn well that's not official. but for now, we're keeping it since my handwriting looks pretty here." your pencil tapped back and forth against the paper, figuring out ideas to write down.

"oh, i know." you propped your shoulders and began to write down your idea while you explained it to him, "i have a gasoline web. if it touches fire, it'll spread from end to end, igniting whatever is on the end of it. you can use your blasts to create a flame in it."

"wouldn't you catch on fire too?" he asked in a sarcastic tone as you rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"no idiot. i wouldn't make you do it while i'm still touching it. how about you come up with an idea?"

"fine." he aggressively faced the notebook towards him and snatched the pencil and began to write and explain, "throw me in the air to minimize my quirk usage so i could save it since i use them to fly anyway. once i'm in the air, i can create this huge fucking explosion that'll kill every damn villain around me."

"what if you accidentally kill civilians? hmm?" you grinned knowing he'd be stuck on that answer.

"not my fault they aren't fucking fast enough to run." he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "plus, that's what rescue heroes are for."

"well, you're planning on being an offense hero, right? but thy doesn't mean you can't rescue others at the same time." you closed your notebook and threw it onto the floor, "hmph. no wonder you didn't earn your provisional hero license."

bakugo threw a pillow as hard as he could at you, making you curl yourself onto the floor in shock. he had a playful and competitive grin on his face. "i'd like to see you do the damn license exam."

you picked up the pillow off the floor displaying obvious attitude towards him. "just turn on the tv and you're bound to see me carrying some old lady across the street."

you stumbled on your feet walking back to his bed, falling on top. he reached his arms out instinctively but ended up pulling you into his lap instead.

"you're so damn embarrassingly clumsy." he talked low looking down at your face.

"shut the hell up. i wouldn't have tripped if you actually picked shit off the floor." you scrunched your face.

his arms rested on your chest- holding his phone and facing it towards him. while he was scrolling through his social media, an advertisement for ice skating. your face immediately shifted upwards in an evil expression. he knew soon enough what it meant. "no."

"yes, we are. i don't care if you go or not, but i'm making todoroki make an ice skating area." you pulled your phone out and started to text todoroki as fast as you could. "done, just asked him. and look, he said yes! already..?"

"i'm not fucking ice skating with those idiots. they'll do nothing but mess everyone up and create chaos." bakugo turned his phone off and threw it to the side and brushed your hair off your forehead.

"i just said you don't have to go. but i haven't done it in a while and it always made me happy back home. made me forget about all the shit i have to do, y'know?"

"i'm only going to make sure nobody throws you in the air and does some fancy trick on you."

"fine by me. we're going tomorrow. k?" you closed your eyes at the nice sensation of bakugo's touch stroking your scalp and face.

"whatever. i just can't wait to see you bust your ass on the ice."

"we'll see."

ah thank you for 20k reads :')

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