17 || hit by a car

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-BAKUGO SAT DOWN IN THE BLACK VAN FACING FURY, HAPPY, AND A SECURITY GUARD. he sat in silence and looked at the ground fidgeting with his fingers.

fury had papers in his hands that he was flipping through, "katsuki bakugo?"

bakugo hummed in response still thinking about you and if you were okay, even though they said you would be.

"for your information, because i can read faces very easily, this is not your fault because you asked her to go with you. if anything, this saved the other students at your school. the robot was programmed to go straight towards y/n and let nothing get in his way. meaning, the robot would have definitely hurt, or even killed, the other students."

bakugo listened but still kept his gaze towards the floor of the car, pouting. happy looked over to bakugo and snapped his fingers to get his attention.

"hey, i can tell you care deeply about y/n. and as much as i hate to admit it, i love the kid too. her and the other kid are troublemakers and cause nothing but stress and problems for me, but i love them. i want nothing but the best for her and parker. and i'm guessing that makes the two of us?"

bakugou mumbled, "i could give less than zero shits about him. i just want to know if y/n will be okay. alright?"

"she will. it's just surgery to get the bullet out. i'm guessing she never tells you about the missions she goes on and what type of injuries she gets. i promise you, this is nothing compared to what else she's gotten."

this caused bakugo to raise his head is curiosity and happy noticed this too. he didn't ask happy to give him examples, but he still did anyways.

"one time, y/n's friend was stuck under a building and she wanted to do nothing more than save her. so, instead of listening to orders, she dismissed herself and ran towards the building with broken ribs and a fractured arm. to be honest with you, we thought for sure she was going to die. eventually, smoke covered her and her friend up and they couldn't make them out. they couldn't go and make sure she was okay because the bomb's chemicals could kill them too."


"and.. well.. she came out of the smoke with her friend holding on to her hand. two soldiers came down with a hook and hooked her to the ship and evacuated. her friend was fine besides a broken leg. y/n on the other hand.. she was in a coma for a week."

bakugo's heart sunk. he didn't know you went through stuff like that, let alone all the time. if that's just one time and you've been doing this for two years, god knows what else you've been through. yet some how, you still put a smile on your face.

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