43 || second years

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i just wanted everyone to know this is a time skip to when they're second years. again, this doesn't follow the manga or anime. i do in fact read the manga and i'm aware of the specific events, but i won't be adding that simply because of spoilers for the anime-only watchers! also, this is a filler chapter.

okay, continue.


SECOND YEARS- YOU'RE NOW A SECOND YEAR STUDENT WITH A CLASS OF PROS IN TRAINING. ever since the skating night, you carried on with the mission and other school days.

there hasn't been much hardcore fights because you learned to limit yourself and avoid large attacks. also, you're still a high schooler- just more privileged.

even if there were an attack, you'd have the help and support of your classmates and boyfriend afterwards. your relationship with bakugo has done nothing but grown into satisfaction.


"they're in the warehouse behind the red barrels. be careful, they're full of gasoline that could ignite any moment now."

one of the pros you were helping talked through the earpiece you wore on your other ear to communicate through this mission. there is somebody keeping illegal weapons in this warehouse and it was your job to find them. well actually, you volunteered.

in fact, your class was in a bus just around the block. this happened whilst on your way back from a small trip but it's okay, mr. aizawa was in the bus with them. also, the villain had no intention hurting them unless they got in the way too.

you stopped around the corner once you spotted the reflective red tin cans. after quietly landing on the floor, your ego quirked and you tip toed around the clearly open space, giving anybody an opportunity to kill you right here and how.

"hellooo?" you dragged out, "anybody here? you're washing everybody's time over a stupid weapon. by the way, what even is the weapon?"


"ugh," you snapped your fingers in annoyance, "i don't have all day. i have plans."

"y/n," aizawa's voice growled in your ears, "don't test his patience." there was a small radio on the bus your voice was heard from. the class was listening in, a bit entertained for seeing you work a sort of real mission.

"no. i'm gonna test his patience since he's obviously testing mine," you snarked back, making aizawa roll his eyes along with bakugo, who was leaning against the window with his arms crossed.

that idiot. she's gonna get herself blown up.

"fucking shit." you cursed to yourself, impatient at the time passing by every second this bastard won't show himself. "it's a weapon, how important is it..?"

once you convinced the villain, including everybody listening, that you were going to leave, he ran up behind you slashing his sword towards you back. you knew he'd do this, you're not new at this. you jumped up above a beam and stood there confidently.

"hah! i knew that'd work! cool sword bro." these compliments ticked him off in the wrong way, throwing the sword at you like a boomerang. his build up was slow and pathetic, of course you knew to jump.

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