46 || be there

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"hey, peter."


"what would you do if the world found out about us?"

"probably panic. you?"

"i don't know." you looked back at the star filled sky, swinging your feet over the ledge of the skyscraper. "i think i'd leave."

he looked at you and quirked his eyebrow, "leave? like, move away?"

"more like disappear- fake my death. villains wouldn't want to hurt anyone if i won't be here to see it."

"but it's going to happen eventually, y/n." you knew that, but the thought of it happening in your teenage years was frightening.

"maybe when we're adults, which is okay. but i want at least a bit of a normal childhood. i don't want it ruined more than it already is."

you continued, "and what if i have a boyfriend? or a girlfriend? or what if i'm living with my best friends? i can't be the reason why they get hurt too."

"let's not think about this right now." he put his hand on yours and breathed with you, "we're going to make the best of this. and even if the world does find out, we're in it together."

you didn't respond, mainly because you were still processing his response.

"and when everybody does find out, we're going to show everyone the two coolest teenagers to live." he smiled.

you laughed and gave him a soft grin. he's right, as long as you two had each other, nothing will get in the way.
"i'm going home." you rushed towards the road to catch whatever recognizable car you could find, leaving bakugo behind. the world was spinning, your skin was trembling, your eyes were watery blurring your surroundings.

"wait, no y/n-" he tried to catch up to you and grab a hold of your arm, but you slipped out of his reach. you didn't even take a second to look back, the only thing on your mind right now was your family and friends back at home.

everybody will be okay here, right? there's enough pros and you've seen the students at their greatest, they can handle a crowd once they find out "y/n l/n is a student at U-A high."

the trees, the sidewalk, the bushes- they're all the same. you've been going deeper into the forest, not leaving it.

you finally froze and wrapped your head around the situation. the trees were still spinning and your vision became more blurrier and darker as your eyelids began to shut.

your phone dropped out of your hand as if showed the hundreds of notifications from friends, family, your team, and people you didn't even know who already found your personal social media.

bakugo finally caught up to you and slid on the floor landing on his knees to kneel to your level. he touched your sides and felt your skin burn and shake underneath. your palms were bloody by your fists clenching nervously and scratches on your knees from landing on the sticks in the dirt.

"hey, listen, listen!" you looked at him and tried to pay attention to whatever he had to say, although the sound was muffled. "you had to have come up with some sort of plan, right?"

you nodded your head and breathed in deeply.

"okay, what was it?" his voice- it was more serious than you've heard in a long time. no cursing, no yelling, no attitude, it was focused.

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