13 || amazing stamina

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-YOU WOKE UP AROUND 2 PM BY A LOUD BEEPING NOISE. both you and bakugo jumped up out of your bed and gasped.

"jesus christ, it's fury", you groaned. you answered the phone call, which was a hologram on the wall of his face.

"l/n, why aren't you answering my damn phone calls? you don't want another incident right?"

"oh my god get to the point fury."

"i saw your fight with the villain yesterday. your interrogation with him is this wednesday. do you know what you'll be saying?"

"hell yeah, 'dumb mother ugly fucker. enjoy getting butt fucked by mutants in here'"

bakugo laughed a little bit. causing you to turn around and cover your mouth at the fact he's here, trying to keep your laughter in more, which caused him to cover his mouth.

"who is in your room with you? if it's not that green haired kid, you're in deep trouble."

"first of all, it's the blond you pointed guns at the other night. and second, you don't give me orders, you're not my boss-stark is. and if anything, he doesn't give a shit about who knows, so you shouldn't either. you didn't give peter shit for when he told MJ and ned, so don't you dare give me shit about this. it's two people fury, give me a break."

you ended the call in frustration and grunted.
"this job is fun but sometimes i wish i was just normal for once", you pouted, "but i'm grateful i get to experience stuff no one else does."

"who is he? you said he isn't your boss, so who is he?"

"he's... kind of in charge of the team? so i guess he is my boss, but i didn't sign a contract under him... signed it under stark. and stark doesn't give a shit about what i do as long as it doesn't cause him trouble. honestly, he'd love to meet you."

oh yeah, you both fell asleep next to each other. oh well, felt good. you're a bad bitch but let's have him make the first move.

"so um, why did you fall asleep next to me? you could have gotten up and left. i'm a very light sleeper because of my powers, but i was in lala land when i was asleep."

bakugo didn't know how to answer that, because he didn't have an answer.
"i was tired too. i guess i just didn't feel like getting up. and what the hell do you mean by your powers? aren't you just strong and sticky."

"well gross when you put it that way
mr. i sweat a lot. and yeah, one of my powers is sensing stuff.. it's a 6th sense. no idea what to call it but everyone calls it the 'tingle', which i HATE by the way-so if you ever call it the tingle, i'll web you to a moving train."

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