15 || spider-girl: fan notes

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-YOU AND BAKUGO GOT BACK TO YOUR DORM. "you're staying over tonight still? honestly thought you'd go back to your dorm, katsuki."

"too late now, i'm tired. i'm getting in the shower, i brought extra clothes from earlier."

"okay", you responded softly, "oh wait, let me show you how to use the-"


"I DIDNT! stark did! sheesh! he's the extra one here. i didn't ask for anything to be modified. hell, i didn't know it was until we got here."

you showed him how to use your shower. it was all techie, of course. after he got used to knowing how to use the shower, you sat on your bed and called peter.

"hey penis parker."

"hey y/- heyyy, rude!"

you laughed, "anyways, can you tell stark to send my check? i want my money."

"of course y/n. the girl who can't go a couple days without spending money. who knew?"

"shut up and give me my damn money before i hit you with a fly swatter you piece of shit."

"not with that attitude."

"lord peter i swear to god-"

"sent the money to your account, you're welcome. now goodbye y/n, i have a test."

"thanks bestie! fail!", you hung up.

laughing, you checked your bank account.
"those zeros are so god damn sexy", you whispered to yourself and put your phone down as bakugo walked out.

"hey, how was the shower?"

"uh, good? i don't fucking know, it's a shower. was it supposed to be golden water? cause i wouldn't be surprised."

"a simple 'good' would have been great katsuki, but as always, thanks for the extra input."

"you can't talk about extra inputs. you do nothing but talk during a damn fight. what's up with that?"

"it's peter's and my thing. we both talk a lot during a fight. we used to do it without knowing, but now it's so we distract them. it didn't work on you because you're smart, but there's lots of villains who has a little bit less of half a brain cell."

"like dunce face."

"hey!", you smacked him, "be nice! he can't control it."

"yeah yeah. and DONT hit me. i'll kill you."

"sure.. you know the amount of hate you'd get on the internet for killing spider-girl?" you asked sarcastically.

it was nine pm. you both relaxed and just scrolled on your phones. at the same time, you and bakugo yawned, indicating it is time to sleep. usually you pull all nighters, but you were tired as hell and so was he.

spider-girl || k.bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now