58 || the last time

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it was so quiet. honestly, the thought of being dead again didn't really phase you as much as you thought it would.

the same woman responsible of all of this sat in front of you, crossing her legs one over another, with a campfire between you two. next to her was a tray full of graham crackers, jumbo marshmallows, and cheap overly sweet chocolate.

where were you? you didn't know. it looked like a cave but you couldn't tell.

"s'more dear?" she handed a s'more to you, but you retaliated and gave her a confused look. she sighed and placed it on a napkin, "it'll be here if you ever want it."

"why me?" you cracked, changing the subject. she looked up and furrowed an eyebrow acting as if she had no idea what you were talking about. "why take me out of the millions of people in this world? why am i more special? who even are you?"

"sweetheart, don't you remember?" she softened and her cheeks grew red, like a kind grandmother about to gift her grandchild a thoughtful gift.

"remember what? i've never seen your fucking face before."

"do not curse at your mother." she raised her voice like an older mother in a black and white cliche tv show. you choked on your breath.

"my.. what?" you laughed, "my mother? my mother is probably mourning my fucking death right now. you took me away for my mother."

"how dare you call somebody else your mom! i raised you! i cared for you, fed you, took you to school-"

"you came into a teenager's life and took her soul because your delusional mind tricked you into thinking some girl is your daughter." you lessened, "tell me, what do you think my name is?"

"you're y/n okata." she answered with a serious tone, a confident one too.

you felt your eyes fill to the bottom eyelid with tears, but you couldn't let them fall yet. "no, i'm y/n l/n. i don't know who y/n okata is. i'm a seventeen year old girl, who took a stupid undercover mission as a superhero— which i shouldn't even be— that ended up dead and wasting her life."

"no! i took you, my kid, to stay with me forever! that's why i hunted you down!" she smashed the s'more in between her hands letting the marshmallow ooze between her fingers. "and i know it is you because of you birth... mark..."

as she grabbed your wrist to display some sort of birthmark she swore you had, she drifted off into another world, one where she realized her mistake.

"you're not my daughter."

you looked at her and squinted your eyes, mouth agape. you couldn't believe it. truthfully, you thought you were going to wake up any second.

"i'm- i'm so sorry. i didn't check- i didn't check to see if you had a-"

"you fucking killed me!" you exhaled shaking in disbelief, "you took my life because you thought i was your kid!" you felt a panic fire build up inside. it's pathetic, but who would be witnessing this besides the woman.

"i-i- it was a mistake, i swear!" she tried to defend herself, but you weren't having it. after all, your life was taken over a mistake. she just called your death a mistake.

"i can't believe i lived for seventeen years just for me to die by a misconception." you laughed again, chuckled maybe, "bring me back. bring me back to my body. i want to see my friends again!"

spider-girl || k.bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now