38 || back to work

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-"Y/N!" mina ran towards you and gave you the tightest hug you've felt in a long time- tighter than bakugo.

you let out an airy laugh and hugged her back, "hey mina. god you're strong."

kirishima, todoroki, midoriya, and uraraka walked over to you two too. you pat mina's back and separated from her hug.

"i'm going to talk to these five right now but let's go out on a date later, yeah?"

"hell yeah! finally a girls day out." she walked away and you pulled everybody outside.

the five kids who saved you from the collapsed building stood in front of you with different expressions on their face waiting for you to explain something.

"i already apologized to bakugo, but i haven't to you four yet. i'm sorry for almost killing you that day. if it wasn't obvious, i wasn't myself."

"you shouldn't be apologizing. whatever your reasoning was for acting like that, we understand", todoroki reassured you, "mr. aizawa told us you might have been seeing things, is that true?"

"yeah, pretty much. apparently, there was some weird type of gas i inhaled. you were all saying these really bad things to me. but i still shouldn't have tried to kill you guys, i should have known better especially because you guys saved me."

before anybody could comment, you continued, "and i'm so thankful for you guys coming to get me because i swear i would have died right then and there."

"what were we saying to you?" kirishima twinged his eyebrows together.

you gulped and put on a fake smile to stir the topic away from that and move on, "it doesn't matter."

"well, if you'd ever like to talk to anybody, we're all here! count on us to be your own little personal therapist or listener, okay?" uraraka perked up and gave you a thumbs up.

"and we'll always help if you need it because we know you would help us too!" midoriya cheered until bakugo interrupted.

"no shit deku, it's her job."

you sighed in sarcastic disappointment and turned back around to midoriya, "thanks midoriya."

a harsh breeze hit the six of you and the damp clothes didn't make it any better. you ran inside so fast that your friends had to blink a few times to adjust your now empty space. you were on your way to the elevator to go to your room until bakugo quickly grabbed your shoulder.

"you idiot, i thought you disappeared or something."

"i did." you walked into the elevator while he followed, "i disappeared into this building cause of how damn cold it is outside."

"i thought you don't get cold?"

"obviously i don't if i have a shit ton of blankets."

you and bakugo exited off the elevator and towards your room. you sighed knowing what your room looks like; there's files and papers about the mission everywhere and you can't risk bakugo seeing any of it.

you turned around to face him and redirected him towards his dorm, which is next to yours.

"not right now. i need to focus on something important, okay?"

he clicked his tongue and threw his arms up in the air, "i haven't seen you in three long ass days."

"you just spent two hours with me under a pier while it rained. you'll live." you rolled your eyes and walked into your dorm to see the floor covered in papers.

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