12 || i wanna know how you got your powers

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you were woken from the chatter outside your door. it was basically the whole class, except for bakugo.

you opened the door and everyone froze.
"hey.. what's going on?"

"oh um, nothing. we just wanted to know if you wanted to go to a breakfast place with us? you don't have to- ", midoriya asked.

"i'd love to! i want to get to know you guys more. i'll brush my teeth and get dressed, give me five minutes."

"cool! we will wait!", kirishima gives you a thumbs up.

kirishima, kaminari, sero, and mina walked over to bakugo's dorm and knocked.
"what the fuck do you morons want? i got no sleep last night."

"aw, sorry bro. well, we are all going to go get breakfast and-"


"well, okay i kinda expected you to say that. we are waiting for y/n to get dressed and so we'll leave in a bit. if you change your mind, we will be in the common room," kirishima said as they all started walking back.

bakugo didn't know you were going.

"okay! i'm ready, let's go-where's bakugo? is he coming? what about todoroki?"

"bakugo said no and todoroki doesn't really socialize. unless you want to try getting them to come, i don't think they will, ribbit"

"i'll convince them. i want to know more about them too", of course you knew about bakugo, some of him, but you can't say that.. and you haven't really talked to todoroki yet.

you headed to todoroki's dorm first and knocked.

"hey! want to come eat breakfast with us?"
"oh! really? okay! it's just, the class said you wouldn't come because you don't socialize haha."
"i'm hungry"
"ah okay, me too. let's go."

as you were heading to bakugo's room, he came out dressed. you weren't going to lie, he looked good.

"oh, you're coming to? well, this mission was easy i guess", you said lightly laughing.

"mission?!", bakugo exclaimed.

"not like that, spikey. our classmates sent me on a task to get you and todoroki to come. mission accomplished!"

"what the hell did you just call me, new girl?"


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