54|| thunderstorm

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rain water would slip in between your lips and threaten its way into your eyes, getting both your clothes drenched in the open.

your fingers tried their best to interlock with his damp hair that went from light blonde spikes to dark blonde folds. still, you held onto the back of his head as if a tornado would swoop you away.

you both started to pull apart but still close enough to touch noses.

he felt your grin against his cheeks and he grew goosebumps from head to toe from the way you caressed his head, playing with the wet hairs between your fingers.

after a moment of silence between each other letting the rain continue to soak the two of you, he decided to run his hands up your back and stopped at your shoulder blades, pulling you in and resting his forehead against your shoulder.

you could feel his eyelashes bat against your shoulders until a slight shiver shook up your spine.

katsuki heated his hands pre-explosion just enough to send the warm sensation over the shivers

it was weird. you felt different, but you couldn't place a finger on it. not different as in you feel sick or lost weight or heavier because of the soaked clothes.

you felt: content; a state of peaceful happiness.

the imaginary dark grey cloud that would hang over your head disappeared and the heavy weight on your shoulders vanished. you could take a deep breath without shuttering or shaking and you could picture yourself living tomorrow.

lighter, like if gravity was no longer a thing. even though it was raining heavily on you, warmth coarse through your veins.

you opened your eyes a bit and was welcomed by three dark shadows that would take the silhouettes of tall skinny men. these were the same shadows you saw right before the explosion in the building that one day.

but, you weren't scared. you weren't defensive or anxious. you were still content.

they stood a few feet away from you for what felt like minutes, but was actually ten seconds before they started to evaporate into mist. it was then when your chest fell and your arms relaxed, still hugging katsuki.

tears spilled from your eyes out of no where. it was weird because you weren't upset or scared.

finally, you thought.

you held your boyfriend's head with a hand on both sides of his face and smiled, caressing his cheek bones softly and connecting eyes, "let's go home."

he wasn't sure what "home" was to you.

but that's not what you meant. a home doesn't have to be literal, it could mean anywhere you feel at peace. but with the way you currently felt, anywhere was okay.


you sat on the side of his bed in his room at his house. his room changed a bit, it looks more mature rather than a messy teenager's room.

the rain grew heavier and eventually knocked the power out throughout the next five blocks, so his room was colored in a darkish-blue. rain would tap his windows beside his bed and the tree leaves and branches scratched the glass surface like a creepy sound effect in a horror movie.

gross, you both were filthy from the rain water and freezing.

"i forgot to say something— i mean— about the publicity and fame." your voice was more scratchy from not talking for a long time.

"hm?" katsuki hummed as he shoved a load of clothes into the top drawer unbothered by the messiness, something he'll fix in a little bit.

"the angry hot-tempered kid from
the sports festival and spider-girl, a young teenage couple," you mocked in a sarcastic voice, "don't cha' think that's going to be annoying?"

"tch, anything the media does is annoying." he walked over and pushed you back-side down onto his bed with one hand as he followed along and laid down next to you, staring at the invisible stars in his ceiling.

"they're going to be on your ass about it." you spoke mid yawn.

"yeah, so do you." he elbow bumped yours.

it was silent.

after a moment, he used his arm to scoop underneath your back and roll you towards him, letting your head hit his shoulder.

he felt the shivers here and there every couple of seconds. there was nothing more he could do other than give you this small gesture of comfort because his bed sheets were still being washed.

the sun was barely out, but you still felt comfortable enough to go into a deep sleep.

eventually, you let the darkness take over and you fell into a slumber, still wrapped in your boyfriend's arms who was not sleepy enough to fall asleep with you.

but, he took advantage of this.

he felt the soft blows from your nose against his shirt, the long rises of your chest hitting his waist, and the small twitches of your fingers against his stomach.

your exposed hand had a mind of its own and started to search for his hand even though you were dead asleep. he grinned at his own teasing, moving his hand away from yours right before you were able to grab it.

you let out a small whine in frustration totally oblivious to what you were actually doing and he couldn't wait to make fun of you for it.

eventually, he stopped and you held his hand, lazily wrapping your fingers with his. he reached up and brushed your hair behind your ear but only so slow so he could brush your skin.

a lightning struck outside his window basically shaking the room, but you were still in another world.

the skies grew darker after its moment of sunset sunshine and the rain crashed harder. even so it was earlier than usual, katsuki could definitely fall asleep in this weather too.

he stopped to think what his life would be like at the moment if you never took that mission or if you never met at all. he'd still
be training to be number one, of course. but that would be his only goal.

now he knows to appreciate the smaller things. well, no, he's learning how to. smaller things like the small reactions you have when you see something that makes you happy but you don't want to make it a big deal.

or, when you're asleep, your nose makes a whistling noise when you breath in and out. 

he closed his eyes and kissed your forehead for a long period of time and kept his eyes shut. after a couple minutes, he was wiped out cold.

SHOOT i'm so sorry for not updating for a month :/

i love working at my new job and i've been so distracted by it.

this book is very close to its end and i'm happy everybody enjoys it more than i did :)

much love xx

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