44 || the internet

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-"I'M SO CLOSE." you muttered through your teeth slamming your pencil down onto the desk. principal nezu has to be the u.a. traitor, right? it's not one of the kids- you refused to believe it was one of the kids.

this wasn't a good time for your computer to bug. the overwhelming stress formed a painful migraine and there not being any medicine around didn't make it any better.

"it's that rodent. it has to be that rodent." you were referring to the school principal. there were so many clues in the past nine long months. his test with mina and kaminari, his remarks about how humans are a menace, his scar he won't explain, how he doesn't allow you into his office, and the subject changes he suggests when you bring up the traitor. it all adds up.

of course, no one believes you even though you were asked to do this mission. they don't believe you because of how quick it's taken. they estimated for this mission to take at least three years, let alone nine months.

there's a part of you that wants to finish the mission- to get it over with and go home. but the other part doesn't want to leave. you made real friends and you can be yourself. you have an amazing boyfriend you knew was difficult to find.

you haven't been showing up to class much because of the amount of real work you had to do. bakugo was ticked off. you've been barely out of your room for the past month and you being distant aggravated him and-

"fuck!" you cursed out loud. after trying to scramble papers together in hopes of finally having some sort of clean space, you knocked over your water onto the wifi router. your computer lost connection before you were able to save those files.

it's 1 a.m on a friday night, so being loud wasn't really a huge concern since nobody seems like a goody two shoes in this class anyway. well, besides iida.

all your files from the past seven hours are gone. they're no where to be seen on your desktop. if steam could come out of people's ears when they were angry like in the cartoons, you'd look like a teapot.

your knob started twist rapidly because your door is usually unlocked unless you're sleeping or showering. ever since that night that weird figure attacked you in your sleep, sleeping with the door locked sounded more nightmarish than sleeping in an abandoned house.

you opened the door to find bakugo's figure standing up. the past nine months has been nothing but training and school for him, so his body is more toned and he grew a couple inches. you? you gained muscle too, just not as much.

his eyebrows were twinged together and he stood tensed waiting for an explanation to why you looked miserable and stressed.

you didn't get the sign.

"what?" you blinked at him.

he pointed towards his room and tried his best to speak quietly because of a new rule that was added, but he failed a bit. "i'm right there."

looking at the direction and back at him, you took a harsh breath as your eyes flickered from the floor and up. "yeah, i know it's late. sorry if i woke you up."

the wifi router sparked again, catching his and your attention. you had enough and took the stress ball off the closest counter and chucked it at the router, knocking it onto the floor.

bakugo didn't know whether to calm you down or walk away because it was obvious you weren't having it.

you picked up your computer and phone and pushed bakugo aside to lock your door. this happened when you were overwhelmed- not focusing on sleep or your health in general. if you can't get one thing done, you'll get nothing done. he knew this, but every time he tried to do something, he failed.

"huh?" he realized what you were doing, "it's fucking past midnight." you felt the your shirt tugged behind you and in a blink of an eye, you were now facing him.

he continued as he examined your face, "you could go swimming in those eye bags."

no response.

"get- get in there." bakugo ordered you to go into his room, but you stood there. he grew agitated and decided to push you into the room by force, dropping your phone in the hallway. he picked it up and threw it on his bed.

"why did i just see you throw a ball at your internet box? and why was it almost on fire?" he crossed his arms in front of his bed watching you lazily place your computer and push your hair back and began to cover your face.

"i spilled water on it and i lost connection on all my shit for the past seven hours," you mumbled into your hands followed by a yawn you tried to cover.

you were clearly exhausted and so was he. today, the class preformed some sort of activity with class 2-B and it left almost all students as if they just ran a twenty mile marathon. you didn't participate, however. you had those seven hours of work to do.

"you're a fucking idiot." he walked towards the light switch behind you and clicked it to the off mode. the room went pitch black with the exception of dark blue light emitting from his window. he pushed you once again to his bed, slamming you into the mattress.

you failed trying to get up and fix your position as you felt a warm pair of arms hold you down to wrap the duvet over and under your arms and body. you let out a small laugh at his attempt of trying to put you to bed like a baby.

finally, he was behind you in the messy yet warm and comfortable bed.


he hummed- eyes still shut.

"have you ever thought about what could happen in the future? like- if we are still together- what do you think will happen?" it was quiet. the only sound were the faint crickets on his balcony and the air conditioning turning on.

"two badass number ones." he gripped your arm and pulled you in closer to his chest. "if you say anything stupid, the 'badass' only applies to me."

"ha. two badass number ones." you began to close your eyes, letting the stress escape your system as you were held tightly in the arms of the boy you felt peace and comfort from. "i hope so." and just like that, you were sound asleep.

bakugo was not asleep yet. he wanted to make sure you fell asleep in case of sneaking into your computer continuing your work. he kissed your bare neck softly and buried his nose into the crook.

"yeah.." he breathed out, "i hope so too."

writers block and school is killing me :/
also, i just wanted to write a cute filler chapter before things go wrong soon :) afterwards, it'll be the ending of this book.

i'm also currently writing an oc x bakugo fic and the writing style is completely different from this. i hope every one will give it a chance when i publish the first chapter!

anyways, thank you for 34k reads. it's amazing.

have a good rest of your week <3

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