53 || the rain

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THE SECURITY SYSTEM WAS DIFFERENT NOW. not so much like a military base— more like an airport security system.

it was sort of weird; waking the school grounds knowing everybody is well aware of you. you could practically feel the stares from the classroom windows and small groups on the side as you walked to your destination.

ah yes, the first sparing ground bakugo tried to beat your ass on. the same sparing ground you had to leave early to check out the strange noise in the city in which your sparing partner followed you.

what would have happened if you never went to go check it out? no, you didn't want to think about it.

thankfully, nobody followed you.

you walked into the open area— your arms folded against your chest. your steps were very small and your eyes darted from tree to tree. where was he? there's no where to hide in a limited area like this, and he's not one to be late.

"you know," you shouted, "you would be basically hurting an injured person if you scare me!" you joked. god this would be embarrassing if he wasn't here. however, he was. your extra sense seemed to heighten for the people you cared about the most. huh, that's never been something you've realized before.

"i'm not trying to scare you, dumbass." he snuck behind you and whispered in an annoyed tone.

"mhm," you hummed. "that's why you creeped behind me like that instead of saying 'i'm here!' like a normal person."

"why the hell would i have to say where i am? just look around your surroundings for once."

"i did! you weren't there."

"obviously i was."

you pursed your lips in annoyance forgetting there's no solution around this complete child, and he knew it too.

out of no where, a rapid beeping noise muffled under your shirt. a small 'oh' left your lips and you started to lift your shirt a bit to reveal the small device clipped onto the hem of your pants.

"what is that?" his eyes furrowed in confusion, it looked like a tracking device to anybody who didn't know what it was. he lowered his head, trying to look at it.

you waved your hand, "it's nothing major. just a device to tell me when to take my spinal medicine. eh, i'll remember when i get back to my room."

bakugo rolled his eyes. just go home right now and do it if it'll make you better sooner, is what he wanted to say. but something about you was bugging him off, there was something about you that made his stomach turn slightly.

he looked at you, a frown upon his face. you looked back at him, confused. "what?" you started to laugh, "i swear it's nothing. it's just a reminder because i always forget. i'll have it remind me again in ten minutes."

there, that was it. your annoying laugh, your ugly smile reassuring everything was fine, your calm and subtle happy-go-lucky personality, but mainly: your presence.

this was the exact opposite of the person who was sitting against the tree with the world literally crumbling beneath her. that girl— she didn't have a smile, or a voice, or a warm aura. it was just a person waiting for their ending.

for some reason, that's all he could remember of you. whenever he thought about you, it was that almost-lifeless body sitting against a tree with no reaction to an endless black void waiting to suck her in.

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