02 || As We Bloom

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"Hi, I'm Y/n L/n."

The class was silent. You could tell some people wanted to speak up, but it was the second week of school, of course they're still shy.

"Welcome to U.A. High School, L/n." A tall kid in the back- no- Tenya Iida. Yes, you remember reading about him around midnight. His profile bored you. "My name is Tenya Iida. May I also ask what your quirk might be?"

"Quirk?" Damn. You broke your character. Idiot, how do you forget the most important thing? You never came up with a quirk to tell them!

"Yes, your quirk. What power do you have to be in U.A? I don't recall seeing you at entrance exams. So that must mean you are quite special."

Everybody stared like you were in the spotlight. You were, at least in your view.
"No no, I know. I blanked out. I have super strength." Idiot idiot idiot idiot! "I can lift up to four thousand pounds."

Almost the entirety of the class' jaws dropped to their desk. It's not your fault you didn't think this quirk thing out, right?
Iida cleared his throat and pushed the bridge of his glasses up while sitting back down in his chair, "It's very nice to meet you."

"You too." You smiled at his greeting, although it seemed very awkward. It was obvious what you said was a little too out of the ordinary.

But even so, there are people who walk down the street with a spray bottle as a head or cricket hands as feet. Being able to lift four thousand pounds shouldn't be a problem in this day and age.

"Could we see an example, maybe? Please? I've never heard of somebody being so strong!" A young girl sitting towards the back of the class spoke out. She had noticeably pink cheeks and soft brown hair.

"I mean," you looked around your area and to Shota, "There isn't anything I can use it on without breaking something. After school, maybe I can."

"We aren't doing anything now though, right Mr. Aizawa?" The blonde with the striking lightning symbol, called out.
"Kaminari-" Shota got cut off from calling the student's name out of frustration.

"Great!" Kaminari threw his arms in the air, "We could go out to the open field and test it out!" Other students surrounding him started to collectively agree while Shota rubbed his temples.

"Enough." Finally, the teacher broke loose, "You are not the teacher, none of you are. We are not going outside and she is not throwing anything in this room unless you would like to pay for it."

You laughed a little bit, still tired from that plane ride. The students awed from disappointment. Shota clicked his tongue for your attention and you walked towards his raised arm holding a piece of small paper.

"You were called to the principal's office, so go now." His voice was stern. You haven't even been able to set your bag down, let alone see your seat.

You pressed your lips together and nodded your head while swinging your bag over your shoulder and walking out the door and to the principal's office. It was quiet but the stares and attention were awkwardly loud.

The principal's office was more like a cubical than your typical school office in America. His desk was upfront and only two steps from the door. But, there was another door leading to a bigger room, more like a conference room though.

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