19 || the ring

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-"NO!", bakugo yells as he went to reach for the guy's arm before he disappeared, "SHIT!"

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-"NO!", bakugo yells as he went to reach for the guy's arm before he disappeared, "SHIT!". bakugo smacked the ground in frustration. he just saw you get taken by someone he didn't even get a good look at.

everyone's face was in pure shock as to what they just saw. seeing a superhero get taken so easily must mean he was a very strong man. the room was silent in grief and confusion, until kaminari spoke up, "what do we do now? who do we call? there's no one here to protect us anymore."

"call all might or mr. aizawa. surely one of them have to help!", momo assures.

iida grabs the common room phone in a tight grip and dials for mr. aizawa. thankfully, he answered right away.

"what's the problem? why are you calling me and not spider-girl? please do not distract-"

"spider-girl was taken by a large guy. he put his fingers to her head and she passed out helplessly. please come."

aizawa immediately made his way to the common room along with all might and present mic. if a superhero was taken, that must mean he is definitely strong and dangerous. the three pros arrived to the common room to find the students shaking in fear, except bakugo who was pacing around his dorm.

they asked the class questions, while aizawa made his way to bakugo's dorm room.
"bakugo, did you get a good look at who took y/n?"

"no. i didn't. this is my fucking fault. if i stayed in the common room, i would have blasted the idiot and nor let him have a chance to take her away."

"this is no where near your fault. we should have had another hero work with her. thankfully, she buzzed us about the suspicion so we were already close by. has she ever told you about anyone who has had a grudge towards her?"

"no. obviously people will have grudges towards her. she's a damn superhero, you out of the both of us in this room should know that."

"do you know where she could be? have you ever heard her talk about a suspicious base?"

before bakugo said no, he remembered something.


"katsuki, i want you to have this", you held your hand out and have bakugo a black thin ring, "it doesn't work with peter and i forgot to give it to a teammate."

"a ring? why the hell would i wear this?"

"if i press the ring, it sends you my location. i will only press this in an emergency where i can't get a signal on my earbud or it was taken out. notice how you can see the ring? well, that's because you have the other ring on. other people can't see the ring on my finger, therefore if i ever get captured, they won't know i have a way of telling someone my location. i trust you with this."

spider-girl || k.bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now