11 || he genuinely listened

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he knew his answer, it was you. but of course, he didn't want to tell you that.

bakugo has found you pretty ever since he has met you, but he didn't like you. yet, he tolerated you. but ever since that night, then night you had your nightmare-the way the moonlight reflected off of you the same way it is now-that is when he thought you were the prettiest thing he's ever seen.

"no answer? oh please, give me a break. there has to be at least one pretty thing!", you tried to force an answer out of him.

"i haven't seen a pretty thing. i don't have time for that."

"oh.. you're one of THOSE people.."

"the hell? WHAT DO YOU MEAN-"

you started to laugh, "i'm kidding i'm kidding. jeez, take a joke. i just told you one of my biggest secrets and you're yelling at me for that? kinda refreshing."

it was silent, until bakugo broke it.

"the holograms."
you hummed in response, "hmm?"
"the holograms that night", he continued, "i put together why those guys came at us with guns, but i don't understand the holograms, or who you were talking to. there was no one else with us at that moment."

"oh yeah, karen!", you take out the little cube and turn her on, "karen!"

hello y/n. what seems to be the problem? are you okay?

"yes, i'm okay. i'm just showing my friend bakugo who you are."

'friend?' bakugo thought.

"bakugo, this is karen. karen, this is bakugo", bakugo looked confused, but let you continue.
"this is a little.. robot? i don't even know but i don't care enough to find out. anyways, she helps me with my progress and basically tells me anything i want to know. it's siri or alexa on crack. she is the one that formed those holograms for me to fight. you see, they're randomly generated so i have a new opponent every time so i won't know their moves."

"can it kill people?"

"WHAT? NO!", you started laughing, "that would be pretty cool though haha."

"cool? the hell? no it wouldn't"

"OH you mean like... people people. no i mean the bad villains that WE face."


you put karen away in your bag and sighed with a soft smile.
"you know, i've never done this."

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