29 || movie night

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-YOU HEARD A COUPLE KNOCKS AT YOUR DOOR AS YOU WERE BRUSHING OUT YOUR HAIR. the knocks were soft and they weren't repetitive, so you immediately scratched bakugo off your list. you threw your brush down on the bed and ran over to the door.

"bakugo? hey." you thought it wouldn't be bakugo because of the soft knocks, but it turned out to be him; only his face was more relaxed and he looked at the ground.

"i know i pissed you off when i told you not to go." he didn't lift his gaze towards you even though he still had that very slight attitude he always has.

you scoffed, "shut up." he was caught off guard when you walked towards him, shutting the door behind you, leaving the both of you in the hallway alone.

"you're always a bitch, so i don't care. don't break a bone trying to get an 'i'm sorry' out." before the either of you got to say something, mina interrupted.

"hey! do y'all wanna watch a movie with us?" she cupped her hands together under her chin.

"fuck no" bakugo responded in annoyance.

"yes, i'll watch a movie with you guys, mina." you smiled and rolled your eyes at bakugo causing him to scoff.

"hell yeah!" mina gestured you to follow her so you did, until bakugo tugged on your wrist casuing you to stumble backwards.

you pulled your wrist away from his grip and rubbed it while giving him a side glance. "what's your problem?"

"why are you going to watch a movie with those idiots?"

"because i want to?", you started to catch up with mina and talk with her as bakugo grunted and walked to his dorm.

entering the common room, you see almost the whole class besides mineta, hagakure, and of course bakugo. you sat on the floor against the couch in front of midoriya, kaminari, and todoroki while momo, uraraka, tsu, and mina sat on a big blanket in front of the tv. the couch you were leaning on faced the tv, so you were behind the girls.

while you guys waitied for everybody to get situated, you heard bakugo tell midoriya to get up and move. bakugo took up more space than midoriya, so todoroki started to feel squished at the end of the couch. he stood up and sat next to you, which created more space for kaminari to move over.

you looked at him and smiled, "hey todoroki!"

he gave you a gentle smile. you both were so close to each other to where your shoulders would touch. bakugo cursed under his breath and picked you up from under your arms and lifted you to the space next to him.

you looked and him and slapped his shoulder. "what the hell? i was comfortable you bitch."

"i wanted leg room."

"then i would have sat in front of kaminari. he wouldn't have mind, right?" you looked over to kaminari and he nodded his head no and smiled. "see?"

as you started to get up, you felt his strong arm pull you down to his chest. "you're staying here", he whispered in your ear. you lifted your head back up and grinned as you faced the tv, shaking your head.

"what are we watching anyway?" kirishima asked.

"some creepy documentery about these haunted dolls!" uraraka loudly whispered.

you don't get scared that easily, but dolls are a different story. you're not just scared of them, you have a phobia. sure, you've delt with real things than a possessed doll, but thats not how you look at it and the movie being a documentery didn't make it any better.

"dolls?" you asked mina with a blank stare.

"don't tell me you're scared of some shitty toys", bakugo grinned. inside, he was happy he finally found something to tease you with.

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