55 || one last fight

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a fun little filler chapter before i end the book lol

"i can't believe we get to watch y/n fight pro-heroes!" kaminari gripped a fist excitingly.

"i know.. it kind of seems like she likes playing the villain, huh?" sero scratched his neck and awkwardly laughed.

"do you all remember when you were assigned to fight a pro-hero in your first year? and most of you lost?" aizawa sort of mocked them but did not try to hide it. an entirety of the class bowed their heads in ashamed. "this is kind of her training as well, because we aren't biased unlike her teammates."

"so, who is she going against first?" midoriya watched from a distance in the sand field, the same one they did their first quirk apprehension test on.

a gun shot was fired, startling the class. they looked over to see snipe, the pro-hero in charge of the third years, walk into view. whist you, you were no where to be found.

"there is no way she could avoid his aim! that's like, his whole thing!" mina exclaimed.

"don't say she can't dodge a bullet just because you can't." katsuki snarked. mina looked at him and raised her hands.

"because i can't! it's scary to imagine a bullet coming towards you so fast," she pouted.

suddenly, eight objects were detected in the air. they were circular like objects that would announce loud beeping noises, like a ticking bomb. it silenced everybody, it looked as if somebody dropped these bombs as a real attack.

but nonetheless, these bombs exploded into smoke clouds blinding the pro-hero and class. the main objective was to confuse snipe so he couldn't detect you for a better aim.

"there is one thing though," aizawa grinned.

you ran out of the smoke cloud approaching him from behind catching his arm as he swung his way to aim at you.

"she cannot use any advantages. notice there is nothing for her to zip and swing on?"

katsuki squinted his eyes as he studied your movements, remembering all the training you two did together. although, you'd use the trees to dodge him.

snipe swung his arm at you again and hit you in the chest, sending you a couple feet on the ground. but you barely landed on your feet, thankfully saving you from any embarrassment. the hero aimed his gun at you sending a couple bullets at a time, but your predicaments made it easy enough to dodge, something that would rarely happen when snipe aimed at somebody.

you charged at him again but instead straight towards him, you ran to his side and glided under his arm grabbing the thick stick conveniently buried under the sand. by the time he looked behind, he was kicked in the back hard enough to stumble, which was harder than it seemed because of his heavy gear and hero outfit.

as he lost his balance, you wouldn't let him fall to the ground. you grabbed his dominate arm and twisted it behind his back and kicked the back of his knees letting him fall back first towards the ground and used his body like a post to swing yourself around to his front.

you sat on his chest as he kept his own arm and legs underneath his body weight while you kept his free arm on the ground and pushed the stick against his neck, having him defeated in the field leaving the class in shock how fast it all happened.

"j-jeez kid." he took a deep breath, "did not need to go and break an old man's limbs like that."

you grinned in a sigh of relief that you finally have this one moment to take a breath, before the hairs on your arm stood up from the sense of a danger incoming.

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