22 || worried

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let's pretend stark survived the snap 😁


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-YOU WALKED TOWARDS THE DOOR IN A FIGHTING STANCE. the knock was aggressive and it wasn't one of the students because they were still in school.

you opened the door and to your surprise, it was peter.

"YOU DUMBASS! why'd you scare me like that? knocking aggressively as if you were here to kill me!" you smacked him and walked back inside your dorm.

"you seriously thought i was a murderer? who knows? maybe i am.."

"shut up. why are you here?" you threw a book at his face; he caught it.

"since you're too lazy to listen to a voicemail, i'm here because there's some dude near here we need to fight. he's asking for us and to be honest, i thought you'd like to fight him because i know you're bored."

"bored? parker i just got kidnapped."

"yeah, and you call me a loser."

"shut UP!", you pushed him against the wall.

"okay okay", he started laughing, "anyways, we leave now and we'll probably be back by tonight."

"okay. let's go. i already have a suit on underneath."

the both of you walked to the roof and got in a helicopter which flew you to an airport to board a private jet. unfortunately, you forgot to text bakugo and you're not sure if the pros know you're gone or not.

after a long antagonizing flight of hearing peter and happy argue over music, you all landed in this large city.

"wow. the guy sure really does know how to pick a nice place to have a fight huh?" you sarcastically commented as you exited the jet.

"listen you two children", fury caught your attention, "stats shows he's in an abandoned warehouse. you both have something he wants but we aren't sure of what it is. just get him to answer your questions and we'll take it from there."

"okay eyepatch!" you saluted him and skipped away. you could basically hear him pinch the bridge of his nose.

"make sure she doesn't do anything stupid, parker." he ordered peter.

"i'll try my best, sir."

you still have no idea you forgot to tell bakugo where you were and that you weren't at the dorms, and fury failed to send notice to the pros.

both you and peter put on your suit and swung to the warehouse he was located at.

"so, what's this dude's problem? does he have a quirk? or a power?" you whispered to peter.

"neither. it's enhanced technology."

"oh please, that's too easy. let's just aim for his head and knock him ou-", out of no where, a large metal beam fell on top of you and peter.

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