The Hidden Crouching Fruit

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"You looking for Tin?!"
A voice from behind spoke.

The two were suprised thinking they were alone.

Sandy said..
"We're not.."
"We're actually looking for the coach."
She said in all awkwardness.
The guy seemed to have heard everything she said.

"That's weird."
The guy stated.
"I heard you say Tin and the word pregnant."
"Thought.. Tin got you pregnant."
He said then grinned.

Sandy eyes widened..
"Who in their right mind would think Tin and I?"
"I don't even like Tin okay."
"And I don't have any plans of getting pregnant at this age."
She exclaimed while feeling stupid for explaining herself to a total stranger.

"Besides, Tin is so much in love with this.."
She was about to point at Can but he was fast enough.

He covered her mouth.

"Where's the Coach?"
Can asked the guy.

The guy scratched his head.
"So Tin is not single anymore?"

Sandy and Can looked at each other.

Sandy removed Can's hold of her mouth.
"Whyyyyy'd you wanna know?"
"Are you interested in Tin?!"
She asked teasingly.

The guy shooked his head furiously.
"I'm actually into Sam.."
He said in embarrassment.
"I thought they were an item.."

Sandy stood proud.
"And they are not!"
"So don't you worry?!"
"Tin is madly deeply inlove with his wifey and it's not Sam!"

Can sighed then face palmed.

"That's great then!"
The guy suddenly was walking in cloud nine.
"Just wondering why Tin never introduced her girl to us."
He shrugged his shoulder.
"Guess, he's really private when in come to his personal life."

Sandy answered him with a mysterious smirk.

The guy looked at Can.

"Wait.. You look familiar."
The guy said.

"Of course, I do."
Can answered.

"You saw me earlier with Tin."
Can said.

"Oh yeahh."
"You were with Tin and another two of our teammates."
"They said you're his Stepbrother."
He recalled.

Can suddenly was taken aback.
Why do he feels answering.
No! I'm the Wifey!

But of course...
It's all in his mind.

Why does it hurts him so bad when they address him as just his stepbrother..

When in fact..
It's the truth.

Can smiled.
He answered flatly.
"Guess, I am."

The guy mimicked.

Can rolled his eyes.
"I asked, where's the coach?"
"Is Tin with him?"

"They are at the beach front."
"The cheerleaders are there too."
He said suddenly getting excited.
"I'm on my way there."
"Just follow me."

Can frowned after hearing the pompoms were there.

"Did you hear?!"
"The bitch is there with Tin."
Sandy said.
"Let's hurry."

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