Right or Wrong Timing?

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Tin called the woman waiting for her at the coffee shop.

She immediately stood up and gave him a hug.
Tin kissed her cheek and then she ushered them to sit.

My baby is really head turner..
She said slightly pinching Tin's cheek.

Tin said grimacing.

She looked around and witnessed some ladies seated at the opposite chair admiring his Tin.

Their eyes were following him as soon as he entered the shop.

I have good genes.
His mom said boasting.

Tin laughed.
Can't argue with that mom.
You have good genes..
That's why, I have good looks..

His mom asked in suspense..

But dad has more good genes...
See he's goodlooking and a hardworker..
So I guess..
I got it all from him.
Tin shrugged his shoulders.

His mom jokingly scolded him.

The two paused when the waiter came with two lattes and two slices of cakes.

If you want to order other food, just order away,
Okay honey?
She told Tin.

Tin smiled.
Thanks mom. I'm not really that hungry.
He said..
He hadn't actually eaten yet but he feel full.
Maybe because he and Can ate a heavy breakfast.
Tin suddenly thought about Can..
He smiled out of nowhere.

Are you here with me son..
Or are you somewhere else?
She asked seeing him smile alone.

Tin scratched his head.
He felt embarrassed.
His mom caught him wandering.
Were you asking me something mom?

Tin, I heard about what happened at school.
She started.

Tin let out an exhausted sigh.
News travels fast.
He said after.

Oh..I'm sorry baby.
His mom said.

How's Can? I hope he's okay?
How's school?
She asked with worry.

It's not that bad Mom.
Tin smiled a little.
You shouldn't worry.
Can is great.
I'm okay.
Guess, everything is just like what it was.
Just normal.
Tin said then shrugged his shoulders again.

His mom smiled back.
That's nice to hear.
I know you're tough son..
I know you can protect yourself.
I was just worried that this incident will affect Can.
He seems too fragile Baby..
I couldn't help it.

Tin looked at his mom with appreciation.
Thanks Mom.
Can is indeed fragile..
But he is learning to fight mom.
To fight for us.
And, I know he can mom.

I'm glad to hear that babe.
She said back.
It's hard fighting alone.
If you both need my help.
You can count on me okay?
Just tell me okay?

Tin nodded.

By the way son..
Have you talked to your dad yet?

Tin shook his head.

He sent me a message.
He was asking me to meet him.
So I called him back.
He seemed really upset about something.
She said with cloudy eyes.
I couldn't wrap my head around the reason why.
The only thing that I could maybe think of...
Is him knowing about you and Can.
Maybe someone's parent told him about it?
I don't know..
You know your Dad..
He's a popular man.

Tin paused then thought about that.
It didn't cross his mind.
Of course, his dad would maybe find out about them..
Through words of mouth that is..
and that is what he was trying to avoid.
Because he wanted himself and Can to tell him directly about their relationship.

He looked at his mom.

Honestly son,
I have no idea what your father will think about this.
We never had any discussions in the past about something like this.
But don't worry,
Your father owns a big company.
He is well connected.
He has always been open to change.
I'm sure he knows some people with the same situation.
He would understand.
She said assuring Tin.

Tin swallowed the last piece of cake in his mouth.
He didn't even notice he already finished his.

His mom laughed at him.
Guess the anxiety's making you hungry.
She said.
I just wanted to let you know in advance that he and I will be meeting okay..

Tin sighed.
I have..
I mean we have been planning to tell dad about us..
Everyone knows now except him.
So I guess, if he already have an idea..
Then this is the right time.

Tin's mom smiled.
There is never a right ot wrong time when it comes to love dear.
Whether your father accepts it or not.
It shouldn't be something to be guilty of.
It's never wrong to fall in love..
What's wrong is, you didn't take that chance..
I'm not saying that your father being the last to know is right.
But, if he knew from the beginning then stopped you from experiencing what you have right now.
Then, letting him in the dark is worth it.

Tin's eyes widened after hearing his mother's statement.
He whinned like a kid.
Now I feel like I shouldn't be telling Dad about us.

His mom pinched his cheek.
Oww.. You're still a baby Tin.
My baby.
She giggled cheerfully.
I'm just stating the what might have's Tin.
But it is time your dad knows.
If worse comes to worst..
And he do not accept your relationship.
Alyssa and I, will do our very best to convince him.
You and Can, you have many people supporting you..
You two, are not alone okay?!
And your dad is a kindhearted man.
By nature, parents may not accept it at first..
But eventually, they will.

Tin nodded.
He smile is heartfelt.
Thanks mom.

His mom smiled back.
How about we do some shopping later Tin?
And then you bring some snacks later for Can?
I know he loves to eat.
She said then chuckled.

Tin was about to decline but he remembered that it has been a long time since the two of them bonded again.
Sure mom.
That's Can..
He likes to eat tons.
And then he will sleep straight like a bone.
Tin laughed at his attempt to rhyme.

His mom laughed aloud.
Uncaring if people in the shop started staring.
"Love is making you cheesy my boy."
She said in return.

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