It's My Heart Who's Hurting..

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The owner of the name looked behind.

And smiled upon seeing who called him.

Jacques rushed beside the little guy who was carrying bunch of paperbacks.


"How's you?!"

He asked then snatched some of the books stacked in Can's small hands.

"No.. I can manage.."

Can started to grab the books away.

"Na uhhh.."

Jacques smiled not willing to be defeated.

"This is a tug of books war.."

He declared.


Can couldn't help but laugh.

"That sounded stupid.."

Can then blurted out.

The taller man faked a painful expression..

"Uhhh.. that hurts.."

Can looked up at him then smiled.

Jacques free hand reached out to the smaller man.

Then gently patted his head like a cat.

Can felt like joking so out of nowhere he just made a sound and pretended to be one.

"Meow meow meow.."

Jacques laughed out loud..

"God.. you always make my day.."

He stated while fondly staring at Can..

Can's eyes lit up when a sudden idea popped out of his head.

"So that would be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday.. Then Canday?"

Jacques laughed out loud.

"So corny ei.."

"Are you headed to the library?"

He asked the smaller man.


Can answered in a haste.

"Miss Fern (the librarian) ran out of gas so she was not able to park near the library and we have to carry all the books manually. I bought some of the new delivered books with me to lessen the cargo later but I will get the trolley too, so it wouldn't be too much of a hassle to the muscle to carry these things."

Can pouted while pointing his lips at the books then innocently crunched his nose afterwards.


Jacques said out of the blue while he was admirably staring at Can.

"Huh?! What ya saiddd?"

Can exclaimed not sure if his hearing was accurate.

"I said true..

It will definitely tire you all if you have to go back and forth carrying weights like these."

Jacques said lifting his hands where five books were clamped in then pinched Can a little in the nose.


Can moved an inch away from the tall man then looked around.

"Are you afraid Tin might see us lovey dovey?"

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