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"Of course, I know you Tin."
"I already saw your picture a long time ago."
Samantha told herself as she reached for the folded napkin in the table while her eyes were glued at the person seated across her, Tin.

Tin and his mother arrived hours ago.

After they got settled in their rooms.
Her mom fetched them for lunch.

Now they are seated on a four chaired round table.

Enjoying a sumptuous seafood Buffett, she and her mom personally prepared for their valued guests.

The two elderly women were obviously enjoying theirselves as you can hear their obnoxious laughter echoing in the dining area with the non stop clinking of the metal spoons on plates and the toasting of wine on their glasses.

Samantha sighed.
"Why do old people blabber so much about their era?"

Tin chuckled.
"Why do women always say their thoughts aloud?"

Samantha gasped in shock.
She looked at Tin but the other didn't even bother to glance at her as he was busy butchering the already dead lobster on the table.

Samantha hid her erupting cheeks..
She definitely said that aloud as her mother pinched her in the arm..

She hissed irritably..

"Samantha.. wait till you grow up and you'll also blabber about things like this."
Her mother always speak in a matter of factly attitude which pisses her more but she tried to smile to hide it.

Tin chuckled again..
"Such an artist.."
He said with his left brow raised.

Samantha looked at Tin in the eye and also raised her left brow.

"How adorable.."
Tin's mom looking at them with her glistening brown semi drunken eyes.

Bet also glanced at the two.
"Looks like our kids are getting along just fine."

The two elderly laughed again.

Tin just smiled.

For him, hearing his mother's laughter is a good sign.
She seems to be happy, so he will be.

Samantha swallowed hard.
He was watching Tin's movement ever since they arrived and ever since he enrolled at their school.

He smiled while watching the two women laughed their asses out.. and his smile, was definitely to die for.

She nipped her lower lip hard unconsciously..
She cursed but made sure it's just in her mind.

Then Tin, as if he's aware someone is watching him, immediately turned his head towards the suspect.

And that made the culprit, Samantha choke on her own breath.

Tin immediately offered a glass of water.

Sam's mom worried patted her back gently..
"Are you okay honey?!"

Sam nodded to her mother then composed herself..

Then looked at Tin.
"Thank you."
She said then smiled genuinely.

Tin just shrugged his shoulders.

He looked at the two elderly women.
"May I be excused?"
He asked politely.

"Sure hon.."
Tin's mom touched his face..
"Rest if you want. I know you're tired from driving."

Tin smiled.
"I feel fine mom. I just wanted to walk around."

"Samantha honey."
"Why don't you go with Tin and give him a tour?"
Bet asked his daughter, catching everyone's attention.

Samantha looked at Tin then tried to read his face.

"I don't want to be a bother."
Tin said with courtesy.
"Besides, I think Sam needs to still catch her breath.."
Tin smirked at the blushing Samantha.

"I believe I'm fine now.."
"As the view is not as fascinating as I thought it'll be."
Samantha answered meekly.

"Well, I'm not sure what you two kids are talking about.. or if it's just your way as kids nowadays communicate, but I thinks it's time for both of you to leave us oldies alone."
Tin's mom was pleading for them to leave.

Bet laughed.
"God, your son is so proper. You raised him well!"

"And, your daughter is cool like you Bet."
Tin's mom reciprocated her friend's praise.

"Well, my daughter is more like you in College."
Bet uttered without thinking.

Tin's mom laughed out loud.
"Then she'll make one  fine daughter in law then?!"

Bet was about to answer..

"I don't see you as a bother, Tin"
Samantha uttered out of the blue interrupting the current matchmaking business their parents are heading to.

"Seeeee. I told you"
Tin's mom was soliciting Bet to agree.

"I see what you mean.."
"they're getting along fine so thats a great sign!"
Bet said with excitement.

Tin cleared his throat then,
spoke on an icy serious tone.
"I don't have plans of being on a knitted path, Mom."

Tin's mom cleared her throat.
He knows his son.
He is strong headed and doesn't like being dictated.

"We're just joking around kids.."
Bet sensed that her friend needed some help in lightening the mood of her son.

"And as my lovely daughter was saying.."
"She'd love to give you a tour, right? Sam?"
Bet looked at her daughter.

Samantha was watching Tin all throughout.

At first, she was smiling while the two elderly women were trying to tease them but her smile quickly faded as Tin's expression was just... empty.

Sam cleared her throat.
"I'd love to give you a tour."
"I heard you like beaches.."
"You came at the right place."
Samantha said trying to sound unaffected by the tension building in the atmosphere.

Tin stood up.
"If you'll excuse me, Mom, Aunt.."

The two women nodded then smiled.

Tin turned his back and walked away.

Sam was left there unsure if she should follow Tin..

"I'm  sorry.."
Tin's mom was apologizing all of a sudden.

"What for?!"
Bet eyed her curiously.

Samantha sat still to listen.

Tin's mom smiled sadly..
"I should have known better not to do that.."
"He is my son.."
"And he doesn't like being dictated."

Bet smiled then reached for her hand.
"No harm done, silly."
"Kids now adays, they know what's good for them."
"Us, parents, should always support them on everything that they want to do.."
"If we see that what their doing is not good for them, then we are free to step in and take action."
"Look at me and my daughter.."
"We're the exact opposite.."

Samantha frowned.
"I'm still here mother."

Bet laughed.
"And I can see how big you've become my dear."

Tin's mom laughed at the two.

"Go now.. Follow Tin.."
Bet smiling while telling her daughter to leave.

Samantha smiled at the two then left.
She ran after Tin..
In her mind she was chanting..
"Who knows,"
"What our parents said earlier, will come true.. Tin.."

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