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Sandy asked with her baggy eyes.
It looks like she hasn't slept in days.

She smiled sweetly at Can after placing her snacks on the wooden table.

They went to the cafeteria together to get some food for lunch, they decided they won't get heavy meals since they were not hungry so they grabbed some chips and soda then went towards the open shades at the University ground.

It was only supposed to be an hour lunch however, the Professor for their next class left for an emergency, so they just received a notification to research a book and write an essay about it.

Which Can can easily do.
He had read the book, The Alchemist twice now by the  famous, Paulo Coehlo, a brilliant Brazilian lyricist and novelist.

"So what????!!!!"
Can asked irritated.

Sandy has been nagging him non stop.

Sandy screamed.

"I'm your number one fan and I want to write a story about boys romance!"
"So please, help me???!!!!"
Sandy begged.

Can shook his head vigorously.
He mouthed, never on his mouth many times.

"You and Tin!"
"You two were my inspiration!"
"I've found my passion in your love story!"
She said continuing..

"Can't you see Can?"
"I've changed because of it?!"
"I've stopped bothering you!"
"I don't even come often to your house!"
"I don't disturb you and Tin whenever you do the deed!"
"So teach me! Tell me how it workssssss!"
Sandy's face is beaming with questions.

Can almost choked on his soda after hearing Sandy mention them doing the deed.

He paused.
Come to think of it..
Can stated in his mind.
Sandy hasn't been coming to their house unannounced.
And they were free to do whatever they wanted.
Knowing how Sandy, coincidentally interrupts them doing the deed.

"See.. See.."
Sandy said reading Can's face.
"I know you've noticed it!"
"I've been giving you and Tin more alone time now!"

Can grimaced then said,
"It's not like we owe you anything!"
"It'll be bad of us not to let you in whenever you come uninvited."

"I know,"
"But my personality has changed a lot ever since I became a fujoshi!"
Sandy wanting to carry her own sail.

Sandy has been busy with her new hobby,
Watching, reading, fantasizing and, writing BL novels.

"Sandy, what you're asking me is difficult!"
Can said uncaring about her request.

"What's so difficult about that Can?"
"You've experienced it first hand!"
"I can read gazillions or watch videos, but.."
"I need someone, a face, a persona, whom I can paint the emotions with when I write."
Sandy grabbed Can's hand.

"Please Can."
"You're the only realistic source where I can get information and inspiration frommmm!"
Sandy is saying please but she isn't begging, more like she was expecting Can to agree.

Can just looked at her with a frown.
"A no.. is a NO!"
"How can I give you details about that huh?!"
Can lowered his voice.
"How can you expect me to give you details about our sex life?!
Can said while gritting his teeth.

Can would like to help her out..
But, what Sandy wants are information about how's, who's and when's of their fornication.
Not just information, but she wants a detailed A to Z story telling whenever they do it.

"Why not??????"
"If you won't tell."
"Then I'll just ask Tin!"
Sandy said in confidence.

Can couldnt help it anymore
He smacked Sandy in the head.

"What was that for?!!!!!!"
Sandy asked baffled.

"Tin will hit you worse!"
Can said in annoyance.

Sandy and Tin has been best buddies lately.
Though, the main topic of their conversation was the one and only, Cantaloupe.

Sandy pouted.
She plastered her face on the table.
"My life has been so sad lately, Can.."
She said dramatically.
"I really thought you'd push and support me?!"
"Guess, I was wrong.."

Can opened up his chips, ignoring Sandy.

"I lost the will to live, do you know that Can?"
Sandy said faking a sniff.

Can still unaffected, now eating.
He received a message on his phone..
It's from Tin.
He smiled sweetly, then replied back.

"I lost you Can.."
"What hurts the most.. is, I lost you to another guy."
Sandy now pretending to cry.

Can looked at her bored.

"You were the man I was supposed to marry,"
"My best friend and now you're becoming a stranger Can."
"You don't tell me anything anymore."
Sandy pretending to drown in unreal sorrows.

Can said.
"I feel you Sandy.."
"Let alone, I know you."
"So, I will never give in to your whimmmm.."
Can said imitating the expression on Sandy's face.

Sandy pouted,
grabbed some chips then threw them at Can.

Can covered his face with both hands.
The cheeseballs fell down to his white shirt.
"Owwww. Sandy!"
He shouted, sweeping the crumbs away from his clothing.

Sandy laughed like a wicked witch.

Can decided to go to the bathroom but before he could leave, Sandy grabbed his arm.
"Please Can.."
"Tell me.."
"Did it hurt the first time?"
"Does it still hurts now?"
"Obviously you're the catcher!"
"Is Tin's thingy huge????"
"I wanna knowwwww!"
Sandy asked shotguns of questions.

"Oh my gosh!"
"Will you stop!"
Can blushed, he hurried to remove Sandy's grip.
"Dont ever ask me about my sex life again or our frienship is over!"
He whispered the sex life part then started to walk away when Sandy shouted.

"You've become so selfish Can?!"
"You used to tell me everything!"
Sandy called.

Can still ignoring her,
walked towards the building to go to the nearest rest room.

"By the way,"
"Did you notice your butt is slowly starting to disappear?!"
"Don't get slammed to much, Can!"
"Do it in moderation!"
Sandy said shouting naughtily with a big smile on her face.

Can embarrassed then looked around.

It's good that no one heard Sandy and her lewd mouth.

Can walked towards the doorway of the rest room.

There was a full length mirror.

He got curious,
He stood the checked the outline of his body.

His eyes glued on his butt.
Is it really disappearing?!

Can felt consciouss suddenly.

He stomped his feet.

Can gritted his teeth.

He shook his head after then washed his messy hands and shirt.

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