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Alyssa was at the door when Devon parked his car.
She immediately went to the passenger seat and opened the door.

"Oh Baby,"
She said seeing Can in tears.

Can had a gaunt face.
His mother assisted him to stand.

Devon didn't utter any words.

He immediately went inside.

Alyssa took Can and they followed his husband.

Devon went to his study.

But Alyssa and Can stayed at the living room.

Alyssa gave can a glass of water.

"Hush baby."
"I'm really sorry."
Alyssa said feeling devastated seeing his son like this.

"No mom."
Can choked in his tears.
"It's not your fault."
"You didn't do anything wrong."
"It's all my fault,"
"and, because of me.."
Can sobbed.
"Because of my selfishness, you and Uncle Devon's relationship is also affected."

Alyssa embraced his son.
"Don't you dare blame yourself Can,"
"Don't ever think,"
"That I would let anything stop you from being happy."
Alyssa said with her heart breaking.

Tin called as he came rushing inside the house.

"Alyssa, Can".
Tin's breathing was rugged.
He looked liked he run a mile.

His face was filled with worries after seeing Can's swollen eyes.

He saw Sandy's and his Dad's message when he was about to change to attend pratice.

He asked his Coach to go home early due to an emergency and borrowed his teammates motorcycle as it was faster compared to his car and he can overtake as needed.

He left his car keys to him after.

"Are you okay?!"
Tin asked his lover worriedly.

Can stood up then run towards Tin.

Tin engulfed him in a tight embrace.
"Everything's gonna be alright."
Tin whispered but his heart is full of doubts.

Alyssa looked at the two with tears starting to fall from her eyes.

The door of the study opened.

"You're home."
Devon stated in a serious tone.

Can immediately released himself from Tin.

Tin started.
Looking at his father seriously.
"I'm sorry that you had to find out about us this way."

Devon holding something in his hands,
threw them on the table.

They were pictures of him and Can.
Holding hands,
embracing each other,
another one also shows them kissing, inside the car.

Can and Tin's eyes widened.

Both having the same question.
"Who did this?"
"Who took those shots and sent them to Dad?"
"Who snatched their opportunity to tell Dad the truth?"

"Just imagine my shock,"
Devon said looking first at his wife, then at the two.
"To open my email and see those pictures."

"My two sons?"
"How? How is this possible?"
"How could you do this"
"Aren't we suppose to be a family?"
"Aren't you supposed to be brothers?!"
Devon's voice was deadly.

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