Tiny Waist

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"Easy there, tiny waist.."

Can could hear people murmuring and gasping in the background..

"Oh my.. that's Jacques..."
"When did he arrive?!"
"Is he healed already?"
"He's so hot!"

"Who is this Jacques?"
Can asked then looked up.

"Are you okay?"
The deep voice guy asked again..

Can felt a gentle tap on his cheek..

Can swallowed.

He went blank there for a moment.

Jacques eyes were staring at him.
His thin lips were curved up in a smile.

His eyes are raven black..
His hair was styled in a pompadour cut and was neatly shaved on the sides.
He has a cleftchin..
and was definitely good looking.

Can got tongue tied..
then felt flushed..

His body was pressed hard into the tall man,
whose hand still wrapped around his waist.

The tall man chuckled.

"Well, I couldn't blame your shock.."
"You almost kissed the cemented floor.. Tiny Waist."

Can after hearing what he called him the second time brought his senses back..

"The names not Tiny Waist. Okay?!"
Can said gently pushing the tall guy.

"Then what's your name?!"
He asked grinning.


Sandy shouted while running with their bags and all..

"Are you okay?!"
She asked worriedly.

"Oh my goshh!"
She gasped not because of the accident her friend almost had but because of the guy who still has his hand clasped on Can's waist.

"Oh my goshhhh..."
She exclaimed exaggerately with her eyes twinkling.

"Be quiet people."
"Show is over.."
Someone shouted.

People still murmured.
Some continued to stare at the tall man.

"Can you let me go now?!"
Can said irritably.

"Oh... I'm sorry.. CAN."
Jacques said then smiled when he uttered Can's name.

Can fixed his crumpled uniform then looked at Sandy.
"Let's go.."
He pulled the statued Sandy on the arm.

"Don't I deserve a little bit of gratitude?"
Jacques asked, his face still smiling.

Can paused.
His face reddened a little..
"Thank you.."
He said then still pulling Sandy as they walked away.

Jacques shouted, not caring about anyone else.
"By the way the names Jacques,"
"I'll see you around Can!"

Sandy looked back at Jacques then waved her hand even if he didn't talk to her.

She looked around at the other students.
Some are now busy minding their own lives.
Others were talking about what they just witnessed.

Except for two..

Tin was seated with a frown but his eyes were fixated on the leaving Can.

Samantha's face was full of jealousy..

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