You're Mine

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Can felt his insides twitching..

Tin with his full length diving deep in and out of his hole made him feel pure and filthy at the same time..

Tin was holding Can's legs steadily upwards amidst of the crunches his body is making to reach each desired climax..

Tin pushed forward..

With every beating he gave Can's hole made squelching sounds of passion.

Can felt his fingers loosing blood as they were clasped hard to the headboard..

Can's moan is getting louder as minute passes by..

Tin's breathing got heavier as his full body was shaking while seizing his beloved's colony.

Tin could feel his length extending it's size, grewing bigger and firmer.

"Ahhhhhh Tinnnn..."
Can crazily called his name..

Tin then grabbed Can's length on one free hand and cupped it, hand moving up and down swaying to the rhythm of his buttocks whenever he penetrate Can.

Can said moving one hand to remove Tin's hold..
"Don't touch that....."
Can swallowed his own voice as Tin hit his farthest corner.

His body was convulsing..
Like it was getting electrocuted but, in ecstacy.
He can also feel his liquid freely flowing in Tin's magnificent hands.

The combination of Tin's manhood and hand pumping,
Made Can slowly loose his being.

Setting aside the pain when Tin initially invaded him.
His body is now adapting and accustomed to each blow.

Tin moved faster..
With each thrusts, Can is beginning to feel at ease..

He pumped and pumped non stop.

"Ahhhh Tinnnn."
Can felt his body turned into jelly.
But he wanted more..
He wanted Tin to shred his hole then make it tailored fit to his manhood.

"You're mine Cantaloupe."
Tin said with a shaky lutsful voice while bead of sweats were forming on his forehead and athletic body..

Can moaned aloud while calling his lover's name..

Can couldn't contain it anymore..
His body shook a thousands volts...
Sticky hot liquids releasing like waterfall.

Can is slowly loosing the control of his muscles..

Tin took a glimpse of his lover as he felt his body becoming limp.

So he grabbed Can's waist with both hands and pulled him forward.

He grinded and moved faster than he could run..

Can screaming his moans out loud..

"Just a little but more... Can.."
Tin said shakily.

He pushed and pulled.
Went back and forth..
Until he can feel himself ejaculating zillions while sucked deep inside his lover's hole.

Finally reaching his climax,
He tried to relax his pace as he searched to look for his Can's face..

Can is sweaty and so was he..
But those crystal bead only added appeal to Can's delicate figure..

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