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"Tin.. I.. I.."
Can tried to talk but his tears kept flowing.

Tin sighed and walked towards his distraught lover.
He grabbed Can's hand.
"Let's go."

Can was suprised with the sudden drag..
Tin only stopped when they were inside the car.

He then gave a box of tissue after buckling up the little man in his seat.
"You're such a kid. Clean yourself up."
He looked at him then smiled sweetly.

"Let's go home."
Tin said with a mellow voice as he reached out his hand to pat Can's head.

The other shoved it away with a grimacing expression.

Tin's brow furrowed.
"Hmmm. What's the matter Can?"
Tin eyed him curiously.

"Don't touch me."
He said bitterly then whispered.
"After using that hand on her.."

Tin bursted out laughing.
He heard Can alright..
And he was dead jealous.. jealous as he was earlier.

"Oh.. How cute my sweet Can is.."
Tin said then pinched his cheek.

"Let's talk at home.."
Tin winked at him
"Shall we.."
Can felt his heart skipped a beat.
He tried to ignore his lover and focused his eyes on the view outside the window.

Tin turned on the radio and never spoke a word even once.

Can walked ahead then left Tin who was two steps behind after reaching the condominium tower.

He stepped out of the elevator and walked quickly, unlocked the door of their unit and threw his bag on the sofa.

He heard Tin locked the door behind him.

Earlier when they were on the elevator,
Tin was so quiet..
The elevator ride suddenly felt deafening.
He was glancing at him non stop but he didn't even budge..
When their eyes met..
Tin's were unreadable.

Can was filled with doubts..
He felt like Tin is suddenly loosing his interests..
especially now that there are other people around.

He felt exhausted.
The first day of school always excites him, even his mom was so surprise on how energetic he can be but, this year..

Can lifted his hand on his chest and said,
"This year is the most scariest.."

He saw Tin in the kitchen take out some water in the fridge.

He sighed then went to his room.
"Maybe I should learn to drive."
Can told himself.

"Why Can?"
His mind asked while he was undressing himself.

"So I can go home alone next time this happens."
He went to the bathroom, closed his eyes after shutting the door then rested his back on the wooden panel.

"So there will be a next time?"
His mind is so curious to know.

Can was filled with worry.
He whispered.
"If Tin didn't follow me.."
"I wouldn't know where to go, what to do.."
I'm a coward..
I'm so stupid..
Can kept putting himself down.

He brushed his tears and removed his clothes.
He then went below the shower to hide his pain with the lukewarm flow.

Tin went in and took all his clothes off.
He went to the bathroom door and heard the splashing water.
Of course he knows Can is inside.

He grab the doors handle then slowly tilted the knob.

He saw Can's naked back glistening with each droplets of water.

He swallowed hard.
He stood there for a few minutes filling his eyes with his delight..
Can was indeed like a porcelain doll.
His skin was so smooth..
His butt was so round and so cute..

He can feel himself..
Getting hard..

Tin suddenly was filled with despair.

He gently walked towards the non moving Can and tried hard not to make a sound..

Can felt a sudden rush of claustrophobia.
A warm body behind covered his and he tried to turn around..
But before he could, Two strong arms locked themselves on his tiny waist..

Can said in shock..

"Just let me be.."
Tin said in a trembling voice..

Can didn't move an inch..
But he can feel Tin's warm body behind..
He was burning hot..
He can also feel a hard object hitting on his back..

"Tin... you're hard.."
He couldn't help blurting out.
But was shocked by his own outburst so he covered his mouth.

Tin didn't say a word..
He reached for the shower control to turn it off.

He loosen his hold on Can.
Can turned around but avoided looking down.
Tin was naked like him and he is embarrassed as it is.

"Tin shouldn't you wait before I finish.."
Tin still didn't say anything whose eyes were covered by his dripping wet hair...
He then lowered his head and put it on top of Can's shoulder blade..

Can was suprised..
He almost slipped but he felt the tiled wall on his back instead..

Tin's hands then moved down below and cupped Can's butt cheeks..

"Oh my God.."
"Tin what are you doing.."
Can tried to push him but Tin just pulled him hard to his naked body..

Can left out a soft moan..

Tin is gently biting his shoulder blade.
Can said...

Tin gently cupped and massaged Can's bare buttocks..
Slowly his tongue glided and licked his bare surface until he reached Can's neck.

Can felt weird..
"Isn't it supposd to start with a kiss to be aroused. "
He wanted to ask Tin but apparently.. it doesn't..
Because right now...
He is feeling really weird and tingling..

Tin continued to lick and sucked Can's skin..
Making sure to trace each neck line but being careful not to leave any mark as they still have school tomorrow.

Can unsure why but he found his arms reaching out to Tin's hair.

He called his name raspily.

Tin murmered and slowly lifted his face to look at Can..

The two stared lovingly at each other..
"I love you Can.."
"and, as of this moment.."
"All I know is.."
"I want you.."

Can smiled as his tears slowly fell..
Earlier he had his doubts...
But again..
Tin will always do or say things to make him at ease.

"I only want you for myself Tin."
"I'm not that strong enough yet.."
"So forgive me if I can't announce our relationship yet.."
Can said whole heartedly.

Tin smiled and hushed Can's lip using one finger..
"I know Babe.."
"I know.."

Can's eyes widened..
"Didn't you just touched my butt with that?!"

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