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"Hey Can"
Sandy said slightly amused by the two standing outside her brother's car.

The two looked behind and just eyed her.

Sandy pre-empted and wanted to laugh as the two were looking at her with open mouths waiting for her speech.

"Guess they are waiting for me to tell them to sit together, but that will not happen."
Sandy said but only in her mind.

"We will sit at the back Can."
"Tin will sit beside Clay."
Sandy said in her most award winning grin as she saw Tin's face darkened.

She challenged his stare then non-chalantly shrugged her shoulders as she recalled the catastrophic image of Can in his mind.

She went over to visit Can the other week before their vacation starts to bring some research material over.

They have a paper to finish in their group.
She texted him and asked if she can come over.
Can said she could.

Imagine her suprise when no one was answering.
She dialled Can's number over and over again then non-stop buzzed the doorbell and bangged the front door like a loan shark trying to collect his pay.

and it seems like she interrupted something.

Some need that shouldn't be delayed?

Tin popped the door open.
And he was just not angry.
He was furious.

Did something happen?
Sandy became worried at the two StepBrothers.

Tin's eyes were red.
His shirt was crumpled like he was in a hurry to wear it.

His hair was also a mess and he was not neatly tidied up like he normally does.

After opening the door for her,
No word came out from his mouth.
He turned his back on her then marched to his room but shut the door aggressively making a loud thudding sound.

She closed the front door behind her then walked towards Can's room, still looking at Tin's closed door.

"That damn bastard and his charming attitude"
Sandy whispered.

She knocked at Can's room then opened the door.
Now she knows why Tin acted that way.
She did interrupt something.

It was evident that an event took place inside the room. She sensed an uncomfortable aura sorrounding Can.

He was moving unrythmically in the bed trying to compose himself underneath the sheets.

He was flushed all over.
Not only that..
There were reddish marks on his neck.
He was wearing a Sando but marks on his upper chest were showing too.

Of course, he bruises easily.
Can's complexion is as smooth as a baby.

Sandy sighed.
Anyone who would see Can will know that the two did indeed fight physically.

But it was not a battle of whose right or wrong.
On who's winning or loosing..

It's about who can dominate.

Be it a Top or a Bottom.

And Can is the latter.

She has never seen Can being so submissive like this..
Not till Tin came around..

Sandy frowned.
When him and Can were younger,
they made a pact that they will marry each other in the future.

Well, not that she is still expecting that to happen.

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