A Week is Enough

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A week passed and Tin has been trying to get a hold of Can.
But, He isn't answering any calls or messages.

Sandy on the other hand tried to speak with Can but he avoids her like a plague.

Even if it's related to school, he dismisses her.

There was one time she cornered him then tried to explain her side, she said she just wanted to make sure. If it turned out to be something more than just a crush she was willing to stop it.

Can recalled Sandy's words.
"I know what I did is really stupid."
"But you know me Can.. I'm really outright.. outright stupid."
"I can't afford to loose you Can."
"Please Can.."
"Forgive me."

Can just answered her thriftly.
"There are more ways of making sure Sandy, rather than kissing him."

Sandy cried..
"I know Can, I was out of my mind.."
"I shouldn't have done that."
"But if it's a consolation, Tin didn't do anything wrong Can.. he tried to push me away immediately.."
"He is only loyal to you."

Can didn't look at her..
"Just give me time Sandy."
Then left her crying.

If he told his mom that they were already a couple and his mom was the one who witnessed the two, just imagine how she would react.

He has been hurting so he completely shut himself down.
Sandy and Tin has been trying to get in touch with him and he was aware, but he couldn't face any of them yet.

Tin called his Dad and Alyssa to get Can on the phone and the other always reasons the need to finish an urgent paper for school and will call him back which he never did.

Alyssa noticed how his son has been circumventing away from Tin so she decided to speak with him.

"Can hon.."
She knocked on the door.
It's Friday evening and Can has no class tomorrow.

Can did not answer so she opened the door and found him tuned into a wireless headset while typing something on his laptop.

She sighed.
Can may be stubborn, but, He won't sulk this long for a reason.
She did notice the uncomfortable atmosphere the three had when they were about to leave the unit last Sunday.

She approached the unnoticing Can and removed his headset.

"Wh... at.."
Can suprised..

He called finally giving her attention.

"What a busy young man you are my baby.."
Alyssa hugged Can in the neck and kissed his cheek..

"I can't believe you're a full grown being now."
She said while snuffing close to Can.

"I love you Mom.."
Can said smiling widely.

"And I do too Can.."
"So come on down"
"Join this lonely mom of yours for ice cream before we leave okay..." She said pulling his son's hand.

She and Devon will leave tonight for a business trip and will be back by next week.

"Ow come on Mom, you're not lonely.."
"You have me and Uncle Devon."
"And we are really lucky to have you."
He complimented the woman who bore him.

Alyssa laughed..
"You forgot Tin."

Can didn't give any comment.

Alyssa pulled her into a hug then guided him downstairs.
"Oh honey, nothing can't be settled if you're willing to communicate.."

Can looked at his mom.

"No buts.."
"I know you've been avoiding him and it's pretty obvious dear."
"Why don't you try to talk to him?!
Alyssa asked her son.

Can went still and did not respond.

They went pass Tin's dad who was busy on his phone in the veranda.

"Workaholic..ism at it's best.."
Alyssa commented then chuckled.

Can looked at his Mom and she was beaming with joy..
Tin's Dad is cool and loves his Mom very much and seeing how she is living a happy life.. He is happy too.

Alyssa put out a pint of dark chocolate ice cream on the island bar in the kitchen and they sat facing each other on the high stools.

She scooped and dropped each roll on the saucers in front.

"So, how's school?.."
Alyssa started.

Can took out the spoon in his mouth and savored the dark cocoa flavor in his tongue..
"It's okay.. I guess.."

They went on about Can's future plans and later were joined by Devon.

The two left an hour after to catch their flight.

Can stayed in his room the next day.
He was asked by the maid if he would like to eat dinner and politely declined..

He doesn't really have an appetite.
He took a shower then wore his pajamas.
He turned his bluetooth speaker on and streamed music on it.

It's weekend so Tin decided to stay at their house unannounced as it's the only way he can speak with Can.

He arrived in front of their house, the guard on duty opened the main gate, he drove inside and after parking his car he walked towards the house.

He nodded at the maid and ask what room Can was staying.

He hopped then ran at the stairs.

He was catching his breath while standing outside the door.

He reached out for the knob and hesitated a bit.

He grabbed and slowly turned the knob then took a deep breath.
His voice faded away as he saw his lover sleeping soundly.

Tin smiled..
He felt a lump on his throat.
At least now he knows, Can is doing good as he can sleep well.

He removed his shoes then socks.
The he gently laid himself down beside Can..

He wrapped his arms around him.
And snoozed his face on Can's nape..

Can woke up.
He felt a warm gush of air on his nape..
He slowly opened his eyes and saw two strong arms holding him tight.

"Let go.. Tin."
Can said in his raspy just woke up voice.

"No.. no.."
"No. I can't and.."
"I won't."
Tin said shakily.

Can felt his skin moistening.
Then Tin's body started to tremble.

"Are you crying?!"
Can asked..

Tin didn't answer..
And just poured his tears out..

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