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Can covered his mouth after his sudden outburst.
"God, did I really say that?!"
He scolded himself as he stepped backwards afraid he might ran towards Tin then will be just pushed away by the other.

Tin for a moment paused.

The words that came out of Can's mouth did not register on his brain.

"Did I heard him correctly?"
He asked himself blankly.

An incoming car passed them both,
lights blinding, dust on the cemented road slowly glided through the air which was flushed up by the vehicle's tire.

Can turned his back on Tin.

Tin felt numbed..

"If you walk away Can.."
"Then, there is no turning back."
Tin spoke with unexplained harshness on his voice.

Can stiffened.
He paused as tears slowly fell from his eyes.
His shoulders trembled..

He turned around to face his lover.

"Are you threatening me Tin?"
He asked with uncertainty.

Can asked a question which Tin never dared to answer

"What should I do?!"
Can shouted out loud.

Silence fell as Tin still did not answer..

The night was silent.
The sounds created by the night bugs are accompanying Can's sobs.

"Tell me.."
"Tell me, what you want me to do Tin?!"
Can yelled wanting to disappear from the earth..

Tin looked at him with pain in his eyes..
He then marched forward to reach him.

He grabbed Can's shoulder then gently shook him.
"Why are you asking what you need to do?!"
"Are you expecting me to console you Can?"
"Are you?"
Tin's voice trembled.

Can paused from sobbing.

Then looked up at Tin..

Tin did not look like himself.
His hair was unruly and it scattered all over his forehead.
His eyes were quite rough and tired.
His chest was heaving hard..

Tin vowed his head.

Their foreheads touched.
"I'm not quite sure why..."
"Why I should feel this guilt here.."
He released his grip on Can's shoulders.

Then raised his right hand.

A hurtful thud was heard when Tin slammed grabbed his fist in his chest.

He looked pitiful..
"Why do I feel guilty that I am making you cry Can?"
"I just don't understand.."
Tin shook his head..

"I... should be the one.."
"Whose devastated right now, isn't that right Can?
Tin's voice cracked, the veins in eyes are starting to pool and pop out.

"Tin.... I.."
Can couldn't find the right words to say..
He knows Tin was right.
He should be appeasing him..
He should be the one fixing this mess.

Can's tears made their freefall.

Tin sighed then forced a smile.
"I.... I.."
"I can't work on this alone Can.."

Tin spoke shakily.
"Maybe you're right."
"Let's just.. break up."

Can wailed aloud.

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