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"You mad?" Tin asked his lover, they have been on the road for twenty minutes and Can has not spoken a word to him.

The road is a little congested as it's rush hour. They will reach their parents house in another fifteen minutes.

Tin's eyes were focused on the road but kept glancing at Can.

Can's eyes were looking outside the passenger window.

"Hey Babe? Can? Are you mad? Why aren't you responding?" Tin asked again worriedly.

"Are you hurting somewhere?" Tin wanting to know if Can was okay after their heated moment. They moved to the bed after their make out session in the front of the mirror then in the shower and realized later it was past two hours already. They only had forty minutes to get ready.

Can looked at Tin with stringy eyes.

"What did I do?" Tin asked confused.

"What did you do? Look at me?!" Can's tone rose a little.

Tin looked at his lover from head to toe. Aside from his swollen lips, he can't seem to find anything wrong.

"Is your lips hurting?" Tin asked instead.

"Arrgggghhhhhh!!" Can couldn't help but feel frustrated.

"Whose wearing a turtleneck in summer Tin?!" Can asked annoyed at his lover.

He initially thought his marks were hidden but after showering and wearing the outfit Tin chose best for him earlier, he realized that his marks were travelling up to his neck. He literally created a map of the country on his neck and shoulder. He had no choice but to wear a turtle neck top and now he feels so stuffy.

Tin scratched his head while chuckling, "I thought I told you, you looked good in anything, turtleneck or not, you're gorgeous Can." He said trying to appease his lover.

Can just eyed him while saying, "I will never fall for your lies Tin."

"HAHHAHA. I'm sorry okay. You can't just put the blame on me. We mutually consented to it." Tin tried to sound a little apologetic.

"We did. But not you marking me on places that can be seen." Can blushed a little suddenly remembering the pleasure and satisfaction he always feel when Tin makes love to him.

"Don't be mad. This dinner will last only for a few hours Babe, Can you just punish me later once we get home?" Tin asked in return. "You can do to me what I did to you." He winked at Can.

Can looked at him like a light bulb has just flashed inside his brain, "Any punishment?"

Tin nodded.

"Promise?" Can asked while thinking naughtily.

"Yes." Tin answered calmly unaware of his lover's dark intent.

"So can I also try doing you from behind?" Can's voice echoed in Tin's eardrums.

Tin almost hit the brakes, "What?"

"You Promised!, I want to do you too! You were my first and will be my last of course, so I will never get the chance to do it to anyone else. So, I can do you? Just to try?" Can asked acting all innocent.

Tin looked at Can whose eyes were staring back at him in all sureness.

"Are you even serious Cantaloupe?" Tin asked

Can nodded. At the back of his mind he was saying, "Of course not! I just want to tease you Tin! It's payback time!"

Tin became silent afterwards, the traffic was cleared suddenly as if the Gods were trying to help Tin steer away from the awkwardness of Can's request.

Can also kept his silence though he felt winning deep down. Tin seemed to mind the fact of him topping, so he didn't pull back his punishment.

They stopped at another stoplight and their destination was just five minutes ahead.

Tin looked at Can then cleared his throat.

"You know I love you right Can?" Tin asked in a all fleeting tone while looking at him straight in the eye.

Can nodded.

"If that's what you wanted, then.. I'll let you top me.. But just this once." Tin said his voice slowly fading away, eyes gearing towards the road but the tip of ears were obviously blushing.

Tin wanted to curse himself deep inside. "You're a shithead Tin! Of course, Can is also a man, the curiosity of putting his thing inside will always be there! Damn! I have never imagined myself being a bottom! Why didn't I even bother asking Can at the start of our relationship, if he had ever wanted to be the bottom? Maybe we could have experimented before, but not so sudden like this."

Can tried to suppress his laughter and his mind, he was thinking about his lover's reaction. "I can see your forehead knitting ten folds. You must be really bothered! I know you're just agreeing because you love me but topping isn't really something I'd ever be curious about Tin, I must admit that prior meeting you, I had never been curious about sex positions, and after meeting you, I still have the same disposition. If you only knew how much I love the feeling of being dominated by you!"



The two spoke at the same time.

Tin chuckled nervously. "Why am I suddenly becoming like this?" Tin wanted to scold himself.

"Go ahead Babe." Can said then winked at Tin.

Tin swallowed hard, "When do you plan to? Hmmmm.. Me?"

Can kept laughing inside but didn't dare ruin his pretend punishment. Without blinking he answered, "Tonight, after dinner."

Tin cleared his throat, "That soon?"

"Do you need a long time to prepare?" Can asked playing pure. Almost as if insinuating that he didn't prepare himself psychologically in bottoming for Tin.

Tin shook his head. "Are you really sure you want to top me?"

"Are you really sure you wanted me to top you?" Can answered rephrased the question.

The stoplight turned to green. Tin continued driving.

"What If you liked being on top Can, will you try it again?" Tin threw in another question.

Can felt Tin is being silly for the very first time. "Haha, Babe, how would I know unless we do it tonight right?"

Tin felt exhausted, "Yeah you're right. Guess, I have to really give in, but just this once then."

Can smiled sweetly at him, "Thank you Baby! I really can't wait for the dinner to be over!"

Tin nervously fell in silence.

After a minute, they reached the main gate of their house.

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