What Happened?!

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"What do you call that smell Can?"
Sandy was snipping non stop while rotating her head clockwise.

"What smell?"
Can asked curiously.

"It's smells like a liquid thingy that you use for laundry."
Sandy grinned sheepishly.

"Are you high right now Sandy?"
"I don't smell anything."
Can asked while munching his sandwich.

It's lunch time and they went to the cafeteria.
He hasn't seen Tin but they texted a few times he is at lunch too but not on the same cafeteria they are at right now,
Why?, well because he's at another faculty/department.

While he and Sandy are classmates and stuck with each other until graduation.

"Okay let me ask again."
"I smell something fishy."
Sandy said again grinning.

Can flipped the two wheat breads to check his sandwich filling.
"I know I ordered chicken.."
Can said then looked at Sandy's lunch who was eating beef brocoli and rice.

"There's no fish!"
"And I can't smell fish anywhere."
Can said remembering the food at the menu earlier, there was chicken, veggies and beef but no pork and fish.

Sandy became irritated with Can's cluelessness.
"Tell me Can, did you and Tin did it????"
She asked in a direct and tactless manner.

Can who was drinking juice from the bottle almost spilled it out.
He coughed hard after.

Sandy handed him a tissue.

She said feeling apologetic.
"I should have let you finish your drink first before asking."
"But.. I can't help it."
Sandy looked at him with her tiger eyes..
"Your just too bright today Can.."
"Your aura is so.. so... pink."
Sandy then brought her two hands together and acted like a spirit expert.
"Your spirit is so high and so in love than normal.."

Can blushed hard...
"What the hell are you saying?!"
"I've always been like this.."
He said wiping the stain on the corner of his lip.

Sandy not convinced.
"Besides your lips are swollen and redder than usual!"
Sandy still insisting something happened.

Can took out his phone and immediately checked his lips using the front camera.
"Gosh.. they're really swollen."
He blurted out..

"See, what I mean!"
Sandy said smirking..

"It's not as you think it is Sands."
Can stood up.
"I think I ate some peanuts.."

Sandy was alarmed.

"The sandwich has peanuts."
Can said starting to itch.

"I... I need to go to the clinic Sands.."
Can turned away and ran.

Sandy stood up and took Can's bag which he left on his chair.
He even forgot his phone on the table..

"Oh gosh."
Sandy was worried, she picked up Can's phone and rushed after him. Can was allergic to nuts.
And that is not the reason why she doesn't like girls okay.

He was even hospitalized once because of accidental ingestion.

Can's phone rang but Sandy was to busy on her phone.
She contacted Clay and told him what happened.

Clay informed Sandy to look after Can and he'll talk to their professor.

Can asked..
"Why is our freaking clinic not near when you need it."

Can was panting..

He's trying to catch his breath..
Can was feeling dizzy.

He used his hand to get support from the wall.

Sandy shouted frantically, she can see him slowly collapsing..

The other students looked at Sandy after hearing her then their attention went focused on Can after seeing him fall down..

The ones near him approached the little man on the floor..

"Oh God"
"Oh God.."
Sandy rushed over, he can see Can was breathing rapidly and there are a lot of reddish spots popping out of his skin..

"Quickly, let's carry him to the clinic."
One of the bystanders said..

"What happened to him?"
Asked by the other.

Sandy responded.
"He ate peanuts and he is allergic to it."

"What's happening?"
Said by a female voice from behind.

"A student collapsed.."
"Apprently he ate something he's allergic to."
Answered by another one.

"Hmmmm.. Isn't that.. Can?!"
The woman just shrugged her shoulder then turned around..

"Gosh, our cafeteria should be wary of the food they prepare, especially nuts.. My brother was allergic to nuts and he almost died once." Commented by another bystander.

The girl who asked what the commotions about just turned around.. "Who cares", She said with lack of emotion.

Can was brought over to the clinic,
but as they only have limited tools to use, they only gave him first aid then he was laid down on a stretcher and was bought over to the school's infirmary.

Yes, The school has it's own hospital.
The school has a Department of Science and it's one of the three largest faculties in the University.

One department building is a fifteen to twenty minute ride from the other. So whenever Can and Tin goes to school.
Tin drops Can first then goes to their department afterwards.

The reason why they were on the same place the first day of school was due to the orientation and it just happened that the orientation hall was in the Engineering Department which was Tin's Department.

Sandy accompanied Can to the Infirmary.
He was confined and treated immediately.

Sandy was now able to breathe after Can's condition has gotten better.

Clay dropped by after reporting the matter.
He knows Can, he always ask before he stuffs food in his mouth.

They won't over look this incident and will personally do a follow up. He already have spoken with the kids professors and explained the situation.

But of course Sandy isn't allowed to go on absent so Clay went to the Engineering Building.

He called Tin's Instructor and asked if he may be excused..

Tin was busy reading his notes and heard his name being called.
He stood up then went over outside.
He saw Clay with Mrs. Sanders, their instructor.

He called, his face filled with questions..

"Oh, here you are.."
Mrs. Sanders said,
"You may be excused from class Tin."

Tin's brow furrowed..
He looked at the two with a questioning glance.

Clay answered.
"It's a family emergency."
"Get your things. I'll tell you on the way.."

Tin's heart started to palpitate...
"What happened?!"

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