Won't Get Pregnant

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"Arrived, at last."
Sandy said stretching her stiff arms after going out of the car.

"As if you were tired driving."
Clay said after yawning as he feels exhausted.

Tin looked inside the passenger seat and saw Can still sleeping.

Sandy laughed warmly.
"Looks like Can is the most tired of us all."

Tin smiled.
"Well, he is indeed a heavy sleeper."

The siblings looked at each other then laughed.
They went inside the cabin after bringing some of their stuffs.

Tin looked around.
True to what Clay said, the place is gorgeous.

The cabin is normal looking but what's actually breathtaking was the scenary.

It was located in a secluded area inside the forest and there is a stream behind it and as per Clay, if you walk past the stream, the beach is just ten minutes away.

The green color manifests itself freely in the sorroundings not to mention the different blooming flowers you can only see in postcards and books.

The birds flying free in each individual unique sounds and shades.

He decided to look around later as he needs to bring Can in first.

He gently lifted Can's face to remove the pillow and then scooped him in his arms.

Can's pupil began to move underneath and his body stirred a little.

Tin hushed the little guy to sleep more.

Can's arms rose upwards and hugged them around Tin's neck then nuzzled his face in the taller man's shoulder.

Tin smiled lovingly at his little man and planted a gentle kiss on his hair.

Someone cleared his throat and that caught Tin's attention.

Clay was standing in the doorway watching them with a grin.
"I was right then?"

Tin looked at him seriously.
"You're not actually asking a question."
"Because you already know."

Clay laughed.
"Just get inside.."
"I'll get the rest of your things."
"I know Can is really heavy even if he is small."

Tin frowned.
"How'd you know??"

Clay smiled.
"Well, I had my fair shares of carrying him when he was younger.. so I'd know.."

Tin's face suddenly darkened.

Clay said suddenly amazed by the younger man's reaction.
"Don't worry.. Can is just my little brother."

Tin's face was filled of relief.

"Come on."
Clay then took the remaining bags and went inside.

"Thank you."
Tin said sincerely.

"My sweet Can is so cute..".
Sandy said sprouted out of nowhere..
"Faster Tin, bring him to my room.."
She said with excitement.

Before Tin could react,
Clay pulled his sister's collar towards him then signalled Tin to ignore her.
"Nope Sis."
"They will occupy the other room."
"You on the other hand, will.."

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