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The non stop vibration in his pocket slowly halted his pace.

Tin reached out to his shorts pocket then checked his phone.

He exclaimed then eagerly opened to see the message.

It was coming from Can, and
it read:

"Sorr fo ther rate teponse Tin. Im5 son slip"

Tin frowned.
"This idiot. So many typos."
"Well at least, he got my name correctly."
He replied back telling Can to sleep some more then smiled as he put the phone back to where it was earlier.

Tin called his name twice then closed his eyes for a second while breathing in the fresh salty fragrance of the sea water.

Another smile crossed his lips as he remembered the last duel they made in the shower before he left to pick up his mom..

Can's damp soft skin glistened like crystal..
His wet hair covered his face that he had to brush upwards using his hands so he can stare at him throughout their lovemaking.

The hoarseness of Can's voice while calling out his name.. the moans.. the twitching of his insides while he was invading him..

How many times Can came and convulsed with pleasure.

Can pleaded him to slow down.. to stop..
Which of course, he couldn't..
The truth was, he just planned to do a quickie earlier but he got carried away and everything lasted for an hour..

Tin groaned..
He was walking at the beach and the surroundings is so beautiful but his mind was filled with livid thoughts of Can's body.

He paused then washed his face with both hands.

He should stop these thoughts or else, he'll regret it.

He just needs a diversion and the scenery, no matter how picturesque it is, is not working for him.

"Heyyy Tin."

Tin looked around.

Samantha was running towards the shore with one hand extended upwards, waving at him.

Tin just nodded as he did a quick observation.

"Here is a diversion"
He taught to himself.
"An unwelcomed one."
He added.

Like his mom said, she was popular..

Any school you go to, once a girl has the looks backed up with talent, intelligence, attitude, and make money a bonus factor, she'll always be looked up to by other students.

A woman with confidence and appearance.

That is what Samantha is.

She is beautifully endowed with a face and a body that is enough to make her earn a living if she decides to use it.

Through modelling, that is.

She's an eye catcher especially in the field during practice.. Regardless, if she wears a skirt or tights.

She exudes such authority and confidence that whenever she commands her troop to follow her stance. Every person there watching can't help but eye her with admiration.

She was barefoot and stopped a step away from him, her chest heaving up and down as she was slowly catching her breath.

"When did she had the time to change?"
Tin asked but only in his mind as he remembers her wearing jeans and a rocker shirt minutes ago.

She is wearing a sleeveless top with short shorts, exposing her cleavage and smooth legs.

Sam cleared her throat then smiled.
"Sorry 'bout that!"

Tin looked at her nonchalantly.
"Sorry bout what?"
Tin position himself to sit down on the sand.

Sam followed then sat too,
bending each knee upwards,
exposing the curvy arches of her lower buttocks on her short shorts.

Tin hid a sigh.
"Women and their pretend flirting."
"If Can was here, he will rip my eyes out."
He said to himself then focused his eyes on the endless water ahead.

"Well, you know. "
Sam started.
"The matchmaking thing our parents were making earlier."
She said in a lowered tone.
"Matchmaking huh.."
"In this day and age!"
Sam chuckled..

Tin with blank eyes spoke.
"It doesn't matter."

Sam eyes showed a little annoyance but it quickly disappeared.
"Yep.. It doesn't matter."

An awkward silence fell between them.

Sam felt unease as this is the first time she was lost for words and she feels like her composure hid away from her ever since Tin arrived.

"There are rumors circulating around school that you and Sandy are a thing? Is that true?"
Sam almost spanked herself for asking a false rumor.
She is really lost for words at this moment.

"Is that so?"
Tin chuckled.
"I'm not interested in baseless rumors."
He spoke with such directness that made Sam flinch.
"You don't have to do this Sam."
"Don't tire yourself too much in trying to build conversations with me."

Sam was silenced again by how honest Tin was.
The weird thing is she wasn't offended at all but instead.

"Can't blame you for thinking that."
"We just met recently, I mean in person that is."
Sam said in riddles

Tin looked at her curiously.
"What do you mean by recently?"

Sam smiled.
"Well, I already saw your pictures before I met you in person.."

Tin frowned as he recalled the first day they met which was when Can pretended that they do not know each other.

"I can't see why that matters."
Tin is becoming really uninterested.

"Okay... that's it!"
Sam stood up, grains of sands falling from her shorts and flesh.

She went in front of Tin blocking his view of the sea.

Tin looked up and met Sam's eyes.

Sam smirked then pointed a finger at him.
"I know and I can feel that you do not like me Tin."
"But I'm fairly interested in knowing you."
"You can push me away."
"But I plan to invest friendships with you."
"Like what our parents have."

Tin laughed out loud which made Sam blush so hard.

"Well, I like your guts."
Tin said but still not convinced that Sam will bring good to him and Can's relationship.

"Great. So, since we are not yet friends.."
"Schoolmates? Acquaintance?!"
Sam stretched out her right hand for an handshake.

"It's just two days. I can live with that."
Tin shook her hand.

"We'll see.."
Sam said in her head while smiling sweetly at Tin.

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