You Wanted This!

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"This sucks."
Can said in annoyance.
He has been trying to get a hold of Tin but he was always sorrounded by many people.

"He is really enigmatic."
He said looking at him who was laughing around with the crowd.

"Everyone is really excited to know him."
"A transfer student from a foreign country, the athlete, the heartthrob.. an instant hit.."
"Tin... My Tin.." Can sighed.

He closed his fist tightly.
"Those girls.."
"They don't have the rights to touch what is mine.."
Can wanted to shout.
"Why are you letting those girls flirt around you Tin?!
"Stop this instant you flirts!"
Can was filled with such livid thoughts.
But he couldn't voice anything out loud after all.
As he wasn't courageous enough.

"Is he really that mad at me?"
Can stood up.
"I know it's my fault Tin, I'm aware of that now especially seeing you like this.."
"But... But I can't let them have you.."
Can said in his mind determined to get what is his.

He proceeded to walk towards were Tin was seated but halted when the campus Queen stepped in.
"Great. Just great"
Can said in annoyance.

The captivating cheer leader..
The beauty queen..
The perfect girl..

"How in hell did you get acquainted to all these people in your first day Tin?!"
Can couldn't help but get worried as the two seemed to be exchanging phone numbers.

"No... No.."
"Damn you Tin..."
Can said his eyes fiercing as there was not even any sign of pause or regret in Tins face while giving out his social media accounts and number..

Can saw Samantha sat beside Tin.
"That's it."
Can decided he needs to really make a move.

He walked..
No, he ran towards the herd of jocks and princesses.
He cleared his throat out loud..

Everyone turned their attention to the smaller man.
"Owwww... I know you.."
Said the tall guy in a Jersey shirt.

"I haven't seen him.. Is he a transfer student too Craig?"
Said the girl chewing a bubble gum like a goat.

"Nooo.. Guys, some of you may know him since high school!"
The tall man approached Can then put his hand on his shoulder.

Can flinched a little.

"His name is Can and he is Sandy's boyfriend."
He then shovelled Can's hair using the other free hand.

An off reaction was heard.
The girls said in a chorus.

Tin's brows raised and his face darkened.
"So he doesn't want them to know who I am in his life but he is comfortable letting them think that he and Sandy is a thing huh." He thought in his mind.

Samantha clapped her hands.
"Wow of course, now I remember Craig!"
"After all Sandy is one of the most sought after girls in school but an elusive one."
"My brother's friend, if I remember even courted her but was never seen after."
She gave a gossipy laugh.

Can suddenly remembered the guy who threatened him and Sandy which Clay reported to the school when they were younger.

And this tall man who has his arms slinged around him also tried to court Sandy but didn't even get to ask her phone number.

"Well my respect goes out to this little guy for having to win over Sandy." Said the one named Craig.

Tin the stood and pretended to look at his watch.
He is getting pissed with this bullshit.
"Hey sorry guys, I have to go."
"It was nice meeting you all."

A regretful sound was heard after hearing Tin.
"Owww..." Samantha said then pulled Tin's arm.
"Do you really have to go?!"

Can's face darkened.
His eyes were burning while looking at her hand holding Tin's.

Tin looked at Can then smirked.
Whose face was filled with jealousy.
He felt like he got his revenge.

He put his other hand to gently removed Sam's then patted her head gently while his eyes were locked on Can.
"Guess I can stay a few minutes more."
Tin said smirking.

Can lifted Craig's hand roughly.
"Hey.. Are you mad or something?!"
Craig asked suprised.

Can tried to compose himself and smiled fakely.
"No. Sorry I have to go."
"I just remembered Sandy is waiting for me."

"Owwwww.. How sweet.."
The crowd teased him.

"See you around."
Can said in a haste bur before turning around he took one last look at Tin, then ran away.

Tin sighed..
He saw pain in his lover's eyes.
"Damn.. I am not like this.."
"I've always been mature.. mature enough to not allow this childish pretense." Tin left out another sigh..

"Guess you're really in a hurry."
Samantha broke Tin's thoughts.

Tin looked at her.

"Hmm. I just noticed you sighing many times."
"I mean it's cool right guys.."
She looked at the group then back at Tin.
"Besides it's just the first day of school, if you need to go we understand.."
Samantha said smiling sweetly.

"That's Sam for us.."
"Really sweet and understanding."
One said with pride for her friend Samantha.

"Oh come on, stop it."
"You're making me blush."
Samantha giggled.

Tin interrupted them.
"I'll just see you around then."
"I really have to go."

He then walked away and tried to look for Can.

"Guess, you finally found the one Sam."
Said the girl in a blue dress.

Said the other and they giggled.

No response was heard from Samantha whose eyes still locked on Tin's disappearing figure.

As soon as he disappeared from her sight, she turned her head to look at the others.

"Hmmm.. this school year just keeps getting better."
"Isn't it guys."
She said with a monalisa smile.

Can stopped running and slowly settled down.
He walked lifelessly.
"It's getting dark now.."
He said as the dark unfolded letting the sun takes a day off.

He gently sniffed.
Then he felt water flowing down his cheeks..
"Is it raining?!"
He asked then looked up.

"No, no it's not"
He said gently touching his cheeks.

"Why am I crying? I'm so stupid."
Can told himself.

"You wanted this."
"You wanted this."
His mind kept reprimanding him.

"I have no rights to be hurt."
"I wanted this!"
He said aloud then covered his mouth with one hand.
He searched around to see if anyone heard or saw him.

He sighed in relief.
"Good. No one is around."

A voice echoed behind.

He slowly turned sniffing his snot while brushing his tears away.

"Are you really gonna run away from this?!"
Tin shouted not caring if anyone may hear it.

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