A Simple Crush

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"Yo.. you wanted to tell me something?!"
Sandy was filled with nervousness as she was locked inside the room with Tin.

Tin sighed.
"I have nothing to say.."
"Can was just kidding."
"Let's go outside."
Tin said and walked towards the door where Sandy stood.

Sandy covered the knob with her body.
"Tin... I.."
She stammered.

"Get out of the way Sandy.."
Tin said frowning.
"What's up with her?"
"She has been acting really off."
Tin has been observing her these past few days and if only she wasn't important to Can.. He would have shoved her away.

"I know.."
"I know this is weird.."
"But... I, just wanted to prove something.."
She said flushed all over..

"Did you drink?!"
"Are you drunk?!"
Tin asked as her eyes were cloudy and her face is beet red.
"I didn't know Alyssa is cool enough to let us drink."

"No okay.."
"I'm not drunk.."
"I... I just want to prove something.."
"So please don't get mad at me Tin.."
"And please, don't tell Can.."
Sandy begged with a low voice..

"What do you mean?"
Tin frowned.

Sandy stepped forward with determination as this is the only chance she will get and hastily held Tin's cheeks with both hands then kissed his lips.

Tin was suprised.
No.. he was shocked.

He grabbed Sandy by the shoulder to push her away but..

The door opened slowly..

The person behind couldn't believe what he saw.
Then he gently pull the door shut trying hard not to make a sound.

Tin successfully pushed her back.

"Let's talk later."
Tin saw the door opened.

But he doesn't know who was behind it.
"Was it Can?"
His mind screamed..

If it was, He needs to explain what's going on and to expect the worse.

Just imagine his boyfriend and his best friend.

"Damn it."
Tin cursed.

He went to the kitchen and saw Can seated playing on his phone.

Food also was served on the table.

Tin called his lover.

Can looked at him nonchalantly.
"Yes Tin."
He said in irritation as he was interrupted with his playing.

"Where is Sandy?"
Can asked back.

"I'm hereeee!"
Sandy said cheerfully.

Alyssa cleared her throat.
"Since we're all now complete."
"Let's eat!"
She said cheerfully.

"Tin sat beside Sandy."
Alyssa said, Tin nodded and was observing Can to give out a reaction but there was none.

"Then, if it wasn't Can, was it Alyssa?"
Tin asked himself..

Tin gently shook his head.

Can enjoyed the whole meal and ate a lot.
While Tin on the other hand tried to eat but his heart was filled with worry.

During dessert, everyone was laughing remembering the past events when they were younger and temporarily ceased their thoughts on the unexpected kiss Sandy bestowed.

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