Is this for real?

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"I gave you a chance."
"I almost quit just because of you."
"So don't ever tell me that you felt betrayed!"

Those words echoed in the empty hallway of the building while everyone was outside busy mingling at the open uphill dining area.

Can and Sandy who just got off their room heard everything and Sandy being herself pulled Can to eavesdrop.

"What the?!"
Can said suprised by the sudden pull.
"Let them mind their own business Sands."
"I'm hungry, lets go eat."
"And, Jacques is waiting for us."
Can said irritably then pulled Sandy back.

Sandy said with an enthusiastic voice.
"His voice sounds familiar."
"I think I know him."
She said intrigued.

Can frowned.
"You know everyone when it comes to gossiping Sands."

Sandy abruptly looked at Can with eyes bulging.
"You said you're not mad at me for doing that."
"Why are suddenly becoming so irritated again?"

Can gave out a lush of breath.
"I'm not.. okay."

"So you're not okay?!"
Sandy asked then bit her nail.

Can slightly pulled Sandy's finger away from her mouth.
"You're disgusting."
Can said in an increasing tone.

"Lower your voice."
Sandy said perking her ears to eavesdrop.

Can just shook his head.
He smiled out of nowhere while remembering how Sam was defeated with their stare game.

She stomped her feet like a child then walked away from Tin and the other athletes.

Tin didn't even bother to look at her even if the others were calling her asking what was wrong and to come back.

Tin's eyes were only focused on Can.
He gave Can a signal that he will call him.

But Can just stared at him blankly.

Tin took out his phone then put it in his ear.
Seconds later, Can's phone was ringing but he didn't answer.

He saw Tin's forehead folded in knots.

He then received simultaneous text messages from him but he still ignored them.

Can turned his back at Tin.

Tin was about to go to where he was but their coach arrived and spoked to them to give their room assignments.

When Jacques arrived and embraced him.
Can didn't removed his hand from his shoulder.
Instead he wavered his hand in Jacquest waist.

"Serves you right Tin.."
Can said in his mind as he knew his lover would definitely get jealous of them.

He then asked Sandy to go to their room so they can drop their things and Jacques tagged along with them.

Since it is supposed to be an all girls accommodation.

Jacques stayed at the hallway to wait.

"Don't make me laugh, Sam."
The guy called out a name.

Can suddenly focused at what they were hearing.
The name arose Can's interest.

Sandy looked at Can.
"See, now they got your attention."
She said then they moved closer.

They saw the two people fighting.

Sandy and Can looked at each other.

Then looked back at the two.

"Let's hide"
Sandy pulled Can then they sneaked into the corner.
"Jacques and Sam?"

"I can see Sandy."
Can said with eyes glued at the chaotic two demi gods.

"I never asked you to give up anything."
Sam said lowering her voice a little.
"What I just wanted was a little time with you Jacques"

Jacques snickered.
"Are you hearing yourself?"
"You're the one who didn't want to go public with me."
"You're the one who said that you needed to focus on your cheerdancing and studies."
"Stop this Sam."
"It's been a long time already."

Jacques decided to walk away but Sam grabbed him.
"I'm really confused Jacques."
She said slightly trembling.

"Coming from you Sam."
"That's normal."
"You were always confused about everything Sam."
Jacques said snickering.

"Even the darnest, littlest thing.."
"You confuse yourself and cannot make a decision."
"How can we continue a relationship built with that huh?!"
Jacques said then removed her hand

Sam eyes widened with guilt then tried to pull Jacques hand again.
"I can't let you be with that little guy!"
Sam suddenly couldn't control her mouth.

Jacques frowned then looked at Sam.

Sandy and Can looked at each other.
Can pointed at himself.
"Does she mean.. me?!"
He mouthed at Sand.

"Yess.. Yesss.. Yesss.."
Sandy mouthed non stop while nodding.

Sam started.
"Why are all you into that little nut?!"
Sam almost screamed her lungs out.

Jacques paused then looked at Sam.
He smiled sweetly.
"I can see that you never changed Sam."
"Now you're confused between me and Tin huh?!"

Jacques grabbed both Sam's shoulder tightly.
Sam's eyes were suddenly filled with fear.

Jacques smiled demonically now.
"That's just easy to answer Sam.."
"We are definitely into Can.."
"Because he is not you."

He then released Sam with a slight push.
"Stay away from Tin and Can Samantha."
He said before turning back and walking away.
"Dont ruin them like you did to me."

Jacques decided to go out of the building.

Can and Sandy both stood there shocked.
"Angry Jacques is really something."
Sandy blurted out after a few minutes.

Sam started crying after Jacques left.

"Well, it's  good to know she's still human."
Can said while watching Sam..

"Why didn't Jacques include me Can?"
Sandy asked feeling left out.
"Shouldn't he said, stay away from Tin, Can and Sandy?"
"Or, Tin and Friends?"

Can washed his face with one palm after hearing Sandy.
"God.. you're such.."
He was about to say something when Sandy pulled her.
She just saw Samantha going their way.

"We better go.."
Sandy said then pulled Can.
"There's another exit at the end of this hallway."
She said then started to walk.

Can's eyes widened.
He can't believe his friend.
If they just went out that way earlier.
Then they should have not witnessed the ex lover's confrontation.
"You should change courses Sandy."
Can said after.

"Then risk not being in the loop with your lovelife, Can?"
Sandy said smirking.
"No way!"
She said shaking her head non stop.
"I'd rather not go to school than risk being in the shadows of your hot fiery love triangles!"

Can's mouth fell open with  disgust.
"My bestfriend is crazy."
He murmered.

Sandy looked back at him.
"I heard that."

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