First Real Kiss

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Tin entered the room and the other was fast asleep.

He took Can's phone on the bedside table and softly chuckled..

Can is the only person he knows that doesn't put a lock on his phone.

He smiled as he went through his contacts.

He saw someone named Professor Clay.

He decided to get in touch with the person.

Seeing Can's current condition, he knows he has no choice but to let him skip school.

Alyssa is not here to make the decision and he is the older one.

Who knows it may be someone who could give him the name of the other teachers.

It's already six in the morning so he assumes that this person is awake now, so using Can's phone he called the number and introduced himself.

Seems like this person knows that Alyssa married his father, He knows who Alyssa was and speaks in a personal manner when it comes to Can.

He even said he'll just notify the other Professors.

He said Can has always been a diligent student so they will just give him time if there is any need for special exams.

Tin smiled and looked at the sleeping little man.
"So, are you one of the nerds Can?"
he asked the sleeping Cantaloupe.

He sat on the side of the bed.
"You're still feverish.."
Tin said after touching the other's forehead.

He has been checking and monitoring him for the past hour.

He took the basin outside and replaced the water then he rinsed the towel he used to wipe Can's face.

He went back in the room, placed the basin in the bedside table then continued to perform his nursing duties.

After a while, he sat down the carpeted floor.

He put his chin on the bed near Can's sleeping face..

He smiled.

It's really funny how you end up being attracted to someone unexpected..
someone.. that can never be yours..

or is this maybe brotherly affection only?

"The hell" , Tin sighed but still smiling.

He has been through enough attraction and fascination with the opposite sex so he knows how to determine what he is feeling right now.

He lifted his finger and traced Can's skin..
"What a cute creature you are dear step brother,"
he said yawning.

He hasn't slept properly for days and he suddenly felt the urge to take a nap..

He slowly closed his eyes not caring what kind of position he is in. He just wanted to take a quick rest before Can wakes up..

Tin closed his eyes and whispered goodnight to the sleeping little man.

Can stirred, he can feel his body aching.
He felt his throat dry and head spinning a little.
He opened his eyes and slowly adjusted himself.

"Shit", he muttered.
"He wasn't able to go to school."
He tried to move but he felt an obstruction and looked down.

There was an arm hovered on his waist.

He said gently..
He was sleeping on the carpeted floor but his arm was extended on the bed and got a hold of Can's waist.

He wasn't sleeping lying down.
He was sleeping seated down..

Can wanted to laugh but he was worried more.
He didn't know Tin was an extortionist.
Later, Tin will definitely feel sore

He looked and saw the basin on the side table with the now dried towel..

Can's eyes moistened..
"Has he been taking care of me?!"

Tin moved..
Then his head which was placed on the side of the bed lunged up.

"You're awake Can.."
"How are you feeling?!"
Tin asked hoarsely.

Can avoided his eyes..
"I'm okay Tin.."
"Thanks for taking care of me."
Can blushed feeling embarrassed that the man he was trying to avoid took care of him..

Tin smiled..
"I'm glad you're okay.."
"Taking care of you.. is my responsibility Can.."
"After all, I'm..."
Tin swallowed.
"Your older brother now.."

Tin looked at Can and he swore his face darkened after hearing his last sentence..

Tin silently smiled..
He was right after all.
Can is just trying to be a good son.
He is trying hard to ignore what he was feeling inside.

He patted Can's head..
"I'm sorry Can.."

Tin asked the smaller man.

Can looked at Tin.
Tin's eyes were full of emotions right now and Can couldn't help but also express that in his face..

Tin smiled at Can..
"I want this to work Can.."

Can is not clear to what Tin was referring to..
But he decided..
He shouldn't care anymore..
Guess, he really want Tin more than to be his step brother..

"Yeah.. Truce.."

Tin then pulled him in an embrace..
Can hugged the tall man tightly.

There was an unspoken agreement made between them..

After a few minutes..

Tin decided to let go..
"Ahh.. what soft body you have Cantaloupe.."
"I'm afraid if I hug you longer, I'll crush you in my arms.."

Can blushed.
But he pulled Tin back in..
He hugged Tin's waist with both of his arms..

Tin was suprised then grinned..

He patted Can's back..
"I don't know why Can.."
"But.. I think.. I really like you.."

Can smiled while his face is pressed on Tin's body..
He wanted to say, I like you too but stopped himself.

Instead, he hugged Tin tighter than earlier.

Tin felt the pull of Can's arms..
He knows..
Even if Can wouldn't verbalize it.

He removed Can's hands on his body..
He then lifted Can's face gently with his arms.

Attraction or not..

He wanted Can..
And feeling Can pulling him tight earlier..
He knows Can wants him too.

Tin's face slowly went down near Can..
Can just looked at Tin intently..

In his mind, he was wanting Tin to kiss him badly..

And Tin didn't fail him..

He gently covered Can's lips with his..
Their desire is more than something they can confront right now.

Their lips sealed away any thoughts or words that may stop their insanity.

Tin gently pulled Can's head a little deeper to his..

Then gave the little man his first real kiss..

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