This Is Tomorrow

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Tin sucked his breath hard..
He was grabbing Can's head for minutes now while his pelvic gently pushes in to insert himself fully inside Can's hot mouth..

He saw Can's eyes becoming red and swollen, as tears started to flow on each sides.

Tin groaned..
"Just a little more Can.."
Tin trembled as his aching manhood pulsated and throbbed.

Can eyes widened with shock as he felt his lovers length becoming more hard..

Tin moved fast, he grabbed Can's head as he pushed inside out..

He was about to cum so he gently pulled himself out but Can shook his head and gave Tin signals to proceed with the downpour.

"Oh babe... I'm so sorry.."
"But... I couldn't help it anymore.."
He said convulsing.

He could feel his hole dripping while Can was admirably swallowing every last drop.

Can released Tin after his luscious meal and shyly spoke.

Can stopped..

He avoided Tin's eyes.

"You.. taste good.. Tin..."
Then bit his lower lip.

"Oh God..."
Tin felt embarrassed and flustered at the same time.

"I... just need more practice Tin.."
He said wiping his lover's remains on the sides of his mouth..

"My dear Cantaloupe.."
Tin took a grip of himself..

"Your words.."
"They are oddly.. unsettling.."
He then cupped Can's cheek..

"What should I do with you Can?"
He looked through Can's bright almond eyes..

Can stared back..
"Then... take me Tin.."
"Teach me.."
"Make love to me... again.."
Can's hoarse inviting voice echoed and shredded Tin's sanity.

He snapped..
He grabbed a hold of Can then guided him in a bent down position.

Can's fingers grabbed the edge of the tub after adjusting himself.
Tin pulled his little man's buttocks forward then parted each cheeks with both hands..

Can's eyes widened as he felt something hot and wet on his behind.

Tin kneeling down gently licked Can's hole.

"Ahh.. No..."
"No.. Tin.."
"That's dirty.."
Can said inhaling roughly.

He could feel Tin's tongue slowly approaching the baby like crumpled slit after tracing its lining.

Can strongly gripped the edge of the marbled tub.

His head banging up and down while his toes clawing with the sudden intensity.

After making sure Can is purely lubricated with his saliva..
Tin cupped his lovers butt checks then slowly inserted his throbbing length on his swollen little hole..

Can's groaned while his body rocked with excitement.


Tin didn't answer..
He freed one hand and grabbed Can's hardening rod..

"Tinn.. Don't.."
Can moaned wildly..

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