Bitter Fate

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Sandy called him gently.

They were lying at the hammocks hanging outside the cabin.
Can replied slightly yawning.

They just finished their meal and Sandy almost knocked everything out even the side dishes.

Tin and Clay were seated a few inches away from them talking about sports, cars and other things that interests them.

"What did you like about Tin?"
Sandy asked eyes looking at the night sky..

Can murmered..

"I... actually don't know.."
"Why'd you ask?"
Can looked at the other..

"Just curious..."
Sandy said with a slight smile.

"For starters,"
Can smiled widely..
Then put his right hand flat on his chest.
"He make my heart go Thump Thump..."

Sandy looked at Can's face.
"Why don't I like a bit of what I'm seeing Can?"
She asked but only in her head.

Her eyes went downwards his chest..

He saw Can's hand form into a knob as he slowly closed his knuckles down.

Those words kept resonating in Sandy's ears..
Her mind wandered off to an unavoidable place.

Can called out to her..

"Hmm... Sorry.."
Sandy turned her head towards the night sky..

"Don't tell me.."
Can said a little excited.

"Tell you what?!"
Sandy asked frowning..

"That you're finally in lo..."
Can was cut off as someone approached them.

A voice called to them..

The attention of the two diverted to where the voice was heard and saw Clay waving asking them to come forth as they will make bonfire for smores.

Tin stood up to get some firewood and passed by them.

"Let's go Can.."
He called his lover then assisted him to stand..

Then Tin lowered his hand towards the suprised Sandy..
"Need help?!"

Sandy paused and smiled gently.
"No... No...."
"I'm fine..."

"If you say so.."
Tin said put his arm around Can as they walked towards the rim of woods stacked neatly on the cabin wall..

"Yes Can.."
Sandy said sadly..
"Thump Thump.."
She put her hand in her heart like he did earlier..

"He does the same way to me too."
Eyes moistening.. Sandy bowed her head down after sitting..

A hand gently reached out to her hair and patted it softly.
"It's better to stop.."
"While you still can.. Sis."
Clay said smiling sadly at his little sister..

"You... you know brother?"
Sandy felt embarrassed of herself.

"So forget about Can okay.."
Clay said all knowingly.

Sandy just laughed trying to hide her relief..

Clay continued..
"You can't be together.."
"Cause you both swing the same way Sis.."

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