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"I don't want to stay at your house Dad."
"It'll be lonely there.."
Tin said in a flat tone.

"Then would you like to stay with Can, Tin?"
Alyssa asked smiling.

"This is also a great time for you two, to get to know each other.."

the glowing newlywed stated.

Tin looked at Can who stopped from chewing..

"If it's okay with Can.."
"Then, it's fine with me.."
Tin said smiling widely at Can.

The newlyweds will be gone for two months for their honeymoon so they were checking where he would like to spend his time while they are out of the country.

Alyssa looked at his son whose head down looking at his meal.

Everyone at the table looked at Can then waited for him to answer.

"I suppose it's okay.. Mom, Uncle Devon.."
"If it's okay with you to stay at our old unit.."
Can looked a little at Tin
"Then that's fine with me too.."
Can's voice slowly faded after saying the last sentence.

Tin stood up and pulled his chair near Can then seated..

He then patted the other's hair gently.
"See, Alyssa, Dad?"
"Nothing to worry about.."
"As you said, our names match.."
"Me and Can..."
"We will be just fine.."
"Right Cantaloupe?!."
Tin said chuckling then looked intently at Can.

Can swallowed hard as his mind was scrambled with thoughts..
"Why is he sitting too close to me?"
"His hand is so warm.."
"Why does he still smell good even if he hasn't taken a bath yet?"

Can frowned then looked at his mother..
"Why are you telling everyone my real name?"

Alyssa laughed out loud..
"It's your real name silly, so even If I won't tell, they would still know."

"Well, we will be really happy if you two get along."

Devon said smiling at his two sons.

"You need to share your room with Tin temporarily son."

"I still have many things on the other room and he won't be comfortable if he stays there.."
Alyssa suddenly remembered her unpacked things.

"Will you be okay sharing a room with Can, Tin?"
She asked worriedly.

Can raised his brow secretly.
"Why is she asking Tin?!"
"She should be asking me if it's okay to share my room right?"

Tin smiled then lifted his fork to get meat on his plate.
"Yes it is.."
"You don't have to worry about me and Can.."
"You enjoy your honeymoon.."
"As for us.. this is a chance to bond."

Alyssa sighed in relief.
"Be good to your brother Can."

"Mom, stop with the reminders okay."
"We are both old enough to make our own decisions."
Can said becoming irritated.

Tin said silently upon seeing his step brother's reaction.

"Oh Can."
"I know Tin is matured enough and older."
"I'm worried about you."
Alyssa said laughing.

Can pouted.

"See, you're eighteen but you still act like a baby.."
"My baby.."
Alyssa said becoming teary eyed.

"Gosh Mom, you're embarrassing me."
Can said face flushed..

Tin can't help but feel envious..
Can and Alyssa have a good relationship.
It was so natural..

His Dad laughed and pulled Alyssa in an embrace.

"Would you like the two to come with us, hon?"
As he was worried that his new wife was not used to being too far away from his son.

Can and Tin spoke at the same time..
"No waaaaayyyy.. we are not coming with you!"

The couple was stunned as the two said the same thing and spoke at the same time.

Then they laughed out loud.

"Well hon, it seems like we really have nothing to worry about.."

Devon said fondness written all over his face after seeing their sons priceless expressions.

Devon then handed out a set of keys to his son.
"Tin you can use the other car for your daily travels."

"Can here can help you navigate through the roads."

"Here is also a duplicate key of our houses if you need it."

Tin grabbed the keys on the table..

"You two can always call us okay.."
"No need to hesitate,"
"If you need something, give us a ring okay.."
Alyssa smiled at the two.

Tin and Can smiled at their parents.
They can see how happy they were.
They know deep inside, they will never disturb their honeymoon.

Can's phone rang and he excused himself.
She informed his mom that Sandy was calling.

Tin's brow raised after hearing the girl's name.
"So he has a girlfriend huh?"

He followed Can's image and saw him settle near the fountain.

The newlyweds were talking to another guest at the opposite table and he busied himself watching his stepbrother.

Then their eyes met..

Can was also looking at him.

Tin felt the same splurge of electricity hitting his core.

"What the fuck is this?"
He asked himself..

He saw Can trying to avoid looking at him
but then, he would just look back again and their eyes would always meet like they were being drawn to each other..

Tin couldn't hold it anymore.

He excused himself from the newlyweds and approached his step brother who now walked further away from the fountain.

"What is this?"
Tin kept asking himself.

He saw the little man's silhouette near the overlooking deck standing above the three steps stairs and he was sighing non stop..

"Hey Can"
Tin called.

The other was startled and he suddenly lost his balance as he was stepping on the third step.

Tin an athlete as he was, ran fast to assist Can's landing.

He couldn't let that cute face hit the floor right?

He enveloped his stepbrother's small body in his arms and catched him.

The tingling sensation was there..
The bare skin on their arms and hands were grazing each other..

Their face was just inches away.

He heard Can say something muffled..
"What is this?"

Tin looked intently at his step brother's eyes..
"So you feel it too Cantaloupe?"
He asked while breathing rapidly..
He held Can tightly in his arms..

Can gasped..
"Is the butterflies again.."
He said but enough for Tin to hear.

Tin looked at his stepbrother's face and his mouth was slightly opened like it was inviting him for a kiss..

"So, it's the butterflies?"
Tin asked..

Can swallowed..
"Ah, I mean there are butterflies behind you.. earlier.."
"You can put me down now.."

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