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"So are you coming or not?"

Sandy asked Can impatiently.

"Hmmm. I don't know Sands. I haven't talked to Tin about this yet."

Can answered not looking at the irritated person beside him.

He continued to write the essay due to be submitted this Friday.


Sandy sighed exasperately.

"Gosh, you two are literally married."

"One has to ask permission to go out."

"Guess, I'm not getting married like you two!"

She said hugging the pillow tightly to her chest.

Tin dropped Can off at Sandy's house as they needed to finish an essay.

Tin had to drive after to the University for practice.

"Look Can, we will never get the chance to attend this event again once we graduate."

"This is only exclusive for us, University students."

"Everyone is invited but not everyone can go as they have classes, unlike us!"

"This is the time for us to experience mingling at its best!"

Sandy stood up raising one hand up like a superhero.

Can looked at her raising one eyebrow.

"God Sandy, you're making such a big deal out of this."

"We still have years ahead of Us, and don't exaggerate as we can still go even if we are not Uni students."

Sandy paused as Can was right.

Her last name spells invited.

"This is only an overnight outing and it isn't compulsory okay."

Can continued then yawned slightly.

Sandy sighed deep.

"Can, please.. come with me.."

"You know our family name is at stake here."

"I need to be there.."

She said mimicking a cute baby face.

Can chuckled.

"That's a more reason for me not to go Sandy."

"My last name is not the same as yours."

Sandy grimaced.

"YOU.... Cannnnnnnnnnntaaaaaaloupppeeeeannnn Tube"

She shouted irritably.

"I thought we are a family, Can?"

"What happened to...

F - friends

A - are

M - me

I - in

L - life with

Y - you?!!!"

Can laughed hard.

It's the founding anniversary of the University and whenever this occurs, the school holds an event to celebrate it, though this year is a little different as they will hold it at an island owned by the other owner of the University.

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